Start Date
18-8-2009 9:15 AM
End Date
18-8-2009 10:30 AM
Keynote Address 3 - (includes video).
Recommended Citation
Wildy, H. (2009, August 18). Making local meaning from national assessment data : NAPNuLit [Paper presentation]. 2009 - Assessment and Student Learning : Collecting, Interpreting and Using Data to Inform Teaching. https://research.acer.edu.au/research_conference/RC2009/18august/1
Streaming Media
Helen wildy PPt slides ACER Research Conf 09 18 Aug 9.15.pptx (219 kB)
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Audi file (.mp3)
helen_wildy.mp3 (69489 kB)
Audi file (.mp3)
Aug 18th, 9:15 AM
Aug 18th, 10:30 AM
Making local meaning from national assessment data : NAPNuLit
Keynote Address 3 - (includes video).
The first part of this paper provides a background to the research, starting in 2000 with the DEST funding for what has become known as the Data Club for the Western Australian Department of Education and Training through to the current activity funded by the Western Australian Catholic Education Office and the Association for Independent Schools of WA. Each project’s brief, design and the scales used are outlined. The second part of this paper demonstrates the representations of NAPLAN data used in 2008 and also the ways in which the 2001–2007 WALNA data were displayed. Finally, this paper deals with uses made by classroom teachers, curriculum leaders, school principals, and education systems for both accountability and school improvement. It concludes by raising some questions about applications of these kinds of analyses for collaborative reporting on national partnerships.