Start Date
18-8-2009 1:15 PM
End Date
18-8-2009 2:30 PM
Keynote Address 4 - (includes video).
Recommended Citation
Scheinin, P. (2009, August 18). Using student assessment to improve teaching and educational policy [Paper presentation]. 2009 - Assessment and Student Learning : Collecting, Interpreting and Using Data to Inform Teaching. https://research.acer.edu.au/research_conference/RC2009/18august/9
Streaming Media
Patrik_Scheinin.mp3 (71697 kB)
Audio files (.mp3)
Audio files (.mp3)
Aug 18th, 1:15 PM
Aug 18th, 2:30 PM
Using student assessment to improve teaching and educational policy
Keynote Address 4 - (includes video).
International and national assessment results, as well as the case of the Finnish comprehensive school, are used to discuss strategic questions of educational policy, teacher education and teaching.