2011 - Indigenous Education: Pathways to Success


Indigenous Education: Pathways to Success

Research Conference 2011 focused on what we can learn from research about creating and sustaining positive educational outcomes for Indigenous students. Presenters highlighted the conditions, contexts, curriculum, pedagogy and practices that establish pathways to success for Indigenous students.

Conference Presentations

Conference proceedings and presentation materials including papers, presentations, audio and video recordings are available for download, subject to submission by presenters.

Keynote presenters: Professor Geoff Masters (ACER); Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney (Flinders University); Professor Jeannie Herbert (Charles Sturt University); Professor Lorna Williams (University of Victoria BC, Canada); Professor Jonathon Carapetis (Menzies School of Health Research, NT); and Professor Sven Silburn (Menzies School of Health Research, NT).

Browse the contents of 2011 - Indigenous Education: Pathways to Success:

Sunday 7 August 2011
Monday 8 August 2011
Tuesday 9 August 2011