Session Q - The benefits of music for the brain
While it is clear that the power of music reflects its ability to activate the emotional and reward networks of the brain, its influence extends beyond this through its capacity to integrate multiple brain systems in the unified act of music making. This integrative role may endow music with unique benefits not inherent in other activities, underscoring its evolutionary significance. There are now more than 100 neuro-imaging studies showing that music activates multiple brain networks during music listening, responding and performance. As a result, when we compare musicians and nonmusicians there are substantial differences in size, shape, density, connectivity, and functional activity that occur extensively throughout the musician’s brain. It is not surprising then, that music has been dubbed the ‘food of neuroscience’, and provides a powerful model of how the brain can change in response to the environment. This discussion examines some of the core principles of brain plasticity derived from cognitive neuroscience, and the way in which music behaviour exemplifies these. It also considers how the brain can change in response to music and the broad range of cognitive processes and behaviours this may affect. Powerful amongst these is the ability of music to prime the brain for future learning, while more broadly promoting our individual and social wellbeing.
Concurrent Session Block 3
Session Q - The benefits of music for the brain
Concurrent Session Block 3