Monday 17 August 2015
Start Date
17-8-2015 11:15 AM
End Date
17-8-2015 12:30 PM
This practical session will present a live administration of interactive collaborative problem-solving assessment and reporting. The presenter will demonstrate example tasks and reports. Audience representatives will have the opportunity to role-play as students being assessed across a range of social and cognitive skills associated with collaborative problem-solving. The discussion will then explore how these social and cognitive skills can be incorporated into the teaching program, enabling higher-order skills to be assessed in key learning areas across the curriculum.
Recommended Citation
Griffin, P. (2015, August 17). Collaborative problem-solving: Assessment and reporting [Paper presentation]. Research Conference 2015 - Learning assessments: Designing the future. https://research.acer.edu.au/research_conference/RC2015/17august/8
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2015
Place of Publication
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Collaborative problem-solving: Assessment and reporting
This practical session will present a live administration of interactive collaborative problem-solving assessment and reporting. The presenter will demonstrate example tasks and reports. Audience representatives will have the opportunity to role-play as students being assessed across a range of social and cognitive skills associated with collaborative problem-solving. The discussion will then explore how these social and cognitive skills can be incorporated into the teaching program, enabling higher-order skills to be assessed in key learning areas across the curriculum.