Monday 17 August 2015
Start Date
17-8-2015 11:15 AM
End Date
17-8-2015 12:30 PM
International programs, Tests, Numeracy, Scores, Mathematics achievement, Mathematics tests, Student motivation, Gender differences, Self concept, Self efficacy, Mathematics anxiety
Whenever the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) are announced, media headlines are full of reports about rankings, about how many countries Australia is outperformed by and outperforms. In early rounds of PISA, Australia ranked among the top 10 countries across all three education domains assessed. However, over time Australia’s position has declined, rather than improved, and Australia no longer sits in the top 10 of any of the assessed domains. This presentation will go behind the headlines and past the rankings, to look at where Australia has declined, and look at how we can improve outcomes for students and achieve a world-class education system. In particular this presentation will focus on mathematics.
Recommended Citation
Thomson, S., & Wardlaw, C. (2015, August 17). PISA: Behind the headlines and past the rankings [Paper presentation]. Research Conference 2015 - Learning assessments: Designing the future. https://research.acer.edu.au/research_conference/RC2015/17august/9
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2015
Place of Publication
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons
PISA: Behind the headlines and past the rankings
Whenever the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) are announced, media headlines are full of reports about rankings, about how many countries Australia is outperformed by and outperforms. In early rounds of PISA, Australia ranked among the top 10 countries across all three education domains assessed. However, over time Australia’s position has declined, rather than improved, and Australia no longer sits in the top 10 of any of the assessed domains. This presentation will go behind the headlines and past the rankings, to look at where Australia has declined, and look at how we can improve outcomes for students and achieve a world-class education system. In particular this presentation will focus on mathematics.