ACEReSearch - 2009 - 2019 ACER Research Conferences: Lunch session

Lunch session

Presenter Information


Plaza 1

Start Date

9-8-2016 12:00 PM

End Date

9-8-2016 1:00 PM


STEM Hackathon, Ormiston College, QLD. This STEM experience will provide you with take-home skills and cutting-edge ideas to implement in your curriculum. Come and learn from Ormiston College students as they facilitate short interactive workshops. Hands-on activities include: creating an interactive story using simple coding; learning how to send an Ozobot on a hunt by coding a maze with coloured pens; constructing simple circuits to create a dancing sign with littleBits; and programming a 3D robotic hand using Arduino kits.

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Aug 9th, 12:00 PM Aug 9th, 1:00 PM

Lunch session

Plaza 1