Monday 28 August 2017

Presenter Information

Tony Townsend, Griffith University

Start Date

28-8-2017 2:15 PM

End Date

28-8-2017 3:30 PM


Principals, Literacy education, School leaders, Student engagement, Reading interests, Reading achievement, Leadership qualities, Reading teaching, Distributed leadership, Case studies


Concurrent session 2B


By the end of 2017, approximately 1500 school leaders from all states and territories in Australia will have undertaken the Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) program. This program was first funded in 2010 for 60 primary principals of disadvantaged schools by a Commonwealth Government grant under the Closing the Gap strategy. Since that time, additional cohorts of school leaders have been funded by state departments of education, professional associations and individual schools. Many of the programs were associated with research looking at various outcomes of the learning gained from the PALL program. To date, there have been six published studies, (including one that considered PALL for principals working in Indigenous communities, numerous conference papers, chapters and journal articles and a forthcoming book. In 2016, further data were collected from case study schools that were the subject of case study research in 2014. This presentation provides an overview of PALL and the previous research. It focuses on the most recent data collection, which was designed to look at the sustainability of the learning from PALL over time and its impact on leadership strategies, teaching practice and student engagement, learning and achievement in reading.

Place of Publication

Melbourne, Vic


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)




Aug 28th, 2:15 PM Aug 28th, 3:30 PM

Principals as Literacy Leaders: A strategy for improving reading engagement and achievement in Australian schools

By the end of 2017, approximately 1500 school leaders from all states and territories in Australia will have undertaken the Principals as Literacy Leaders (PALL) program. This program was first funded in 2010 for 60 primary principals of disadvantaged schools by a Commonwealth Government grant under the Closing the Gap strategy. Since that time, additional cohorts of school leaders have been funded by state departments of education, professional associations and individual schools. Many of the programs were associated with research looking at various outcomes of the learning gained from the PALL program. To date, there have been six published studies, (including one that considered PALL for principals working in Indigenous communities, numerous conference papers, chapters and journal articles and a forthcoming book. In 2016, further data were collected from case study schools that were the subject of case study research in 2014. This presentation provides an overview of PALL and the previous research. It focuses on the most recent data collection, which was designed to look at the sustainability of the learning from PALL over time and its impact on leadership strategies, teaching practice and student engagement, learning and achievement in reading.


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