Teacher audio
Publication Date
Labour turnover, Teacher retention, Audio recordings
In Australia scholarly articles and media reports regularly state that between 30 and 50 per cent of teachers leave the profession within the first five years. But, where do those figures come from and how accurate are they? A study published in the Australian Journal of Education suggests there is no robust Australian evidence and data.
Recommended Citation
Earp, Jo and Weldon, Paul R., "The Research Files Episode 39: Early career teacher attrition" (2018).
Copyright Statement
©The Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd or its licensors 2018. To make a request for reuse, email Teacher Editor - teachereditor@acer.org
Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
‘Transcript for The Research Files Episode 39: Early career teacher attrition'
Audio recording originally published in Teacher