Tender Bridge
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Student retention, Dropout prevention, Youth agencies, Vocational education and training, Aboriginal students, Rural students, Grantsmanship, Philanthropic foundations, Private financial support, Case studies
Armidale High School is a comprehensive, partially selective high school in Armidale, NSW. The school has about 90 Aboriginal students out of a total school population of just over 600. The school has a range of community partnerships that have been initiated to cater for a wide variety of student career transition programs. Armidale High School (AHS) and BackTrack Youth Works (BYW) have had a strong partnership since 2006, when BackTrack first started working with young Indigenous people in Armidale. Since BackTrack began running programs at AHS, there has been a documentable increase in the number of young people who have been successful in achieving improved schooling outcomes whilst attaining industry qualifications and experience. There has also been a considerable reduction in suspension rates and increases in attendance rates within the school. This case study describes how the program works, who benefits, how the partnership was developed, how it was funded and reasons for its success.
Recommended Citation
ACER (2012). Case 6: Armidale High School, NSW - Backtrack Community Partnership. Melbourne Vic: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2012
Place of Publication
Melbourne Vic
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Geographic Subject
New South Wales