Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility Case Study in China - environment and public health fields
Publication Date
Chinese students, Study abroad, International students, Alumni, Scholarships, Environmental education, Public health, Skill development, International programs, International aid, Impact studies, Case studies
This report details the outcomes of a case study of Chinese fellowship alumni. Alumni in this case study undertook an Australian Leaderships Awards (now known as Australia Awards Fellowships) in the fields of environment and public heath between 2006 and 2010. Alumni in this case study developed a broad range of skills on-award which they have utilised in their work. These skills include integrated approaches to water management and environmental sustainability; multi-disciplinary approaches to public health; and broad skills such as communication, critical thinking and leadership. The alumni and the organisations involved in this case study have strong and enduring ties to Australia. Relationships have been fostered strongly through the Fellowships and are embedded via various memorandums of understanding between Chinese and Australian organisations. This research was conducted by the Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility to provide the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade with evidence to evaluate the impact of the Australia Awards
Recommended Citation
Edwards, D., Doyle, J. (2018). Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility Case Study in China - environment and public health fields. Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. https://dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards/Pages/australia-awards-global-tracer-facility-china-alumni-case-study.aspx
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2018
Place of Publication
Canberra, Australia
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Geographic Subject
Asia, China