Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Case Study in Solomon Islands: health field
Publication Date
Scholarships, Alumni, Developing countries, Higher education, International students, International aid, International cooperation, Public health, Health services, Dentistry, Case studies, Impact studies
This report details the outcomes of a case study of Solomon Islander alumni of Australian Development Scholarships. Alumni in this case study completed their scholarship between 2006 and 2010 in the field of health. Solomon Islander alumni have made significant contributions to the development and improvement of health policy and practice. Australia and Solomon Islands have a strong history of collaboration and partnerships which includes links with Rotary in Australia for the renovation of dental facilities and collaboration with university partners on research supervision and publications. Alumni cited their experiences in Australia as transformational, enabling them to see the world differently and providing them with confidence and exercise to improve health outcomes on their return. Ten years on, the alumni are actively making a difference to maternal and child health, dental care, infectious disease control, professional development training, community engagement, and health education and policy in Solomon Islands.
Recommended Citation
Taylor, A.; Chainey, J. (2018). Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Case Study in Solomon Islands: health field. Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. https://dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards/Pages/australia-awards-global-tracer-facility-solomon-islands-alumni-case-study.aspx
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2018
Place of Publication
Canberra, Australia
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Geographic Subject
Pacific region, Solomon Islands