"Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Kiribati Case Study: Mapping " by Sarah Buckley, Amanda Taylor-Haddow et al.

Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility

Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Kiribati Case Study: Mapping Alumni Networks and Links to Australia

Publication Date



Scholarships, Alumni, International students, Developing countries, International aid, International cooperation, Higher education, Peace, Emergency programs, Technical assistance, Indigenous populations, Case studies, Impact studies, Network Analysis, Social networks


This report examines the professional and social networks of Australian scholarship alumni from Kiribati to provide insight into the links between alumni, and how these contribute to the long-term outcomes of the Australia Awards. Based on survey responses from 64 alumni, this Kiribati Case Study uses social network analysis (SNA) tools to analyse and map interactions among the I-Kiribati alumni and to Australia. This research was conducted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT) Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility (GTF) in September and October 2020. The overall aim of the Australia Awards is to help ‘partner countries progress their development goals and have positive relationships with Australia that advance mutual interests'. This aim is extrapolated in four long-term outcomes of the Australia Awards. Outcome 2, cooperation with Australia, Outcome 3, partnerships with Australia, and Outcome 4, views of Australia, Australians and Australian expertise, form the basis of the findings for the alumni from this case study. The mapping of the I-Kiribati alumni network provides an opportunity to understand better how the alumni are linked, and the levers that influence their contribution to achieving Outcomes 2, 3 and 4.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Place of Publication



Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Geographic Subject

Australia, Kiribati


Article Location
