Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility

Women’s Leadership and Career Progression: Insights from Indonesian Australia Awards Alumnae

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Alumni, Females, Career development, Scholarships, Leadership, International aid, Developing countries, Higher education, Indonesia, Case studies, Longitudinal studies, Indonesia


This case study is a follow-up to the 2021 Longitudinal Global Tracer Survey implemented by the Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility (GTF) examining the long-term outcomes of alumni of development scholarships funded by the Australian Government. The longitudinal survey identified mixed outcomes for women in terms of career progression and concluded that more nuanced research was needed to understand perceptions of leadership and career advancement among alumnae. In addition, in tracing alumni outcomes or identifying accomplished alumni, position titles may not reveal the depth of an alum’s success. This study is an exploratory examination of the types of leadership models that Indonesian alumnae value, practice, and navigate in the workplace.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Place of Publication

Canberra, Australia


Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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