Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Case Study #2: Sri Lanka
Publication Date
Scholarships, Alumni, International students, Developing countries, International relations, International aid, Economic development, Engineering, Higher education, Case studies, Impact studies
This report details the outcomes of a case study of Sri Lankan alumni of Australian development scholarships. Alumni in this case study completed their scholarships between the mid-1950s and the mid-1990s. Alumni involved in this case study have substantially contributed to the development of Sri Lanka over a period of more than 60 years. A number of examples stand out as notable contributions including leadership in major national infrastructure projects and the establishment of post-graduate engineering programs in Sri Lankan universities. Despite a desire to remain connected, alumni in this case study generally did not have strong ongoing links or networks with Australia. However, one alumnus who is now back in Australia has developed links and a memorandum of understanding between an Australian university and a Sri Lankan university. Alumni in the case study held very positive views about Australia, Australians, and Australian expertise. The case study also found that targeted approaches to ensure gender equality and ethnic ratios in Australia Awards selection processes have offered opportunities to some alumni who otherwise would not have had the chance to study overseas.
Recommended Citation
Edwards, D.; Taylor, A. (2017). Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Case Study #2: Sri Lanka. Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. https://dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards/Pages/australia-awards-global-tracer-facility-sri-lanka-alumni-case-study.aspx
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2017
Place of Publication
Canberra, Australia
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Geographic Subject
Asia, South Asia, Sri Lanka