Vocational, adult and professional education research
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This report examines the pathways of young people who left a Victorian government school in 2007. The participants in this On Track longitudinal survey comprised 2346 Year 12 or equivalent completers and 1130 early school leavers. These young people were first contacted in 2008 as part of the annual On Track survey and were interviewed in each subsequent year until 2011. In the first year after leaving school, 70% of Year 12 or equivalent completers were participating in education and training, comprising 39% at university, 20% studying for a certificate and 11% in an apprenticeship or traineeship. By the fourth year of the study, 93% of Year 12 or equivalent completers had participated in some form of education and training, including 56% who had attended university for at least one year. Among early school leavers, 78% had participated in education in the four years. In the first year after leaving school, 56% were in education and training. Apprenticeship was the most common form of education and training among early school leavers.
Recommended Citation
Rothman, S., & Underwood, C. (2012). The On Track Survey 2011 longitudinal report : the 2007 cohort 4 years on. https://research.acer.edu.au/transitions_misc/13
This report was prepared by ACER for the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood.