Vocational, adult and professional education research
Publication Date
Student attrition, Student retention, Pathways, Dropouts, Completion rate, Student experience, School leavers, At risk persons, Secondary school students
The aim of the Earning and Learning Research Partnership was to explore the reasons why a substantial proportion of successive cohorts of students in South Australia had not completed the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) or were identified as potential non-completers. The project officially commenced in September 2019 and was completed in August 2020.The research particularly aimed to capture the student voice behind young people’s earning and learning pathway choices, specifically identifying: why students in Years 10, 11, or 12 leave school without a documented “valid” reason (leavers); and why some Year 12 students remain enrolled in high school but appear to beat risk of not completing SACE (stayers). To actively seek the student voice, information was collected by means of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI). This mode of data collection meant that attempts were made to contact all members of the two target populations of leavers and stayers by experienced interviewers from a demographic similar to the interviewees.
Recommended Citation
McMillan, J., Sniedze, S., Felgate, R., & Lietz, P. (2020). Earning and Learning Research Project: Report to the Department for Education, South Australia. Government of South Australia Department for Education. https://research.acer.edu.au/transitions_misc/38
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright Statement
Copyright Government of South Australia 2020
Place of Publication
Adelaide, Australia
Government of South Australia Department for Education
Geographic Subject
South Australia