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Classroom observation techniques, Lesson observation criteria, Teaching methods, Professional development, Primary school teaching, Training, Language, Communication


This video transcript is from a Grade 2 Language and Communication (literacy) lesson in Port Vila, Vanuatu. In this lesson, students revise letter sounds before the teacher introduces a new sound and associated words. The teacher uses French as the primary language of instruction, and Bislama at times. The video is part of a training package developed by the Australian Council of Educational Research to enable those observing early primary classes to make consistent and reliable observations. It is based on a purpose-built classroom observation tool developed to collect data on changes to teaching practice and a training program for local researchers. This is the first of 2 videos in the training package.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research



Geographic Subject

Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Timor Leste, Vanuatu
