"Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2" by Rebecca Taylor, Leyna Clarke et al.

Higher education research

Publication Date



Medical education, Medical students, General practice, Medical practitioners, Satisfaction, Careers, Training, Student experience, Monitoring, Course evaluation, Questionnaires, Higher education


The Australian General Practice Training National Registrar Survey (AGPT NRS) is an annual, national survey of GP registrars currently training in the AGPT program. It collects information via an online questionnaire about registrar satisfaction, experience and future career plans. It also collects information about registrars’ demographics and training contexts and other aspects of their training experience. This survey is part of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s (the Department) monitoring and quality improvement activities. The information collected in the AGPT NRS can be used to assure the quality of training provision in the program, enables continuous improvement and allows responses to be benchmarked nationally. This survey was previously known as the AGPT Registrar Satisfaction Survey (AGPT RSS). From July 12 to August 18, 2023, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) administered the AGPT NRS to registrars enrolled in active training on the AGPT program. 1,519 registrars provided a valid response to the survey, representing an overall response rate of 39 per cent. The national response rate was sufficient to yield reliable results at a national level, with the Key Performance Indicators described in the report offering accuracy (at the 95 per cent confidence level) within 2.5 per cent of the reported average scores. This brings the response rate back around the numbers seen prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Registrars were asked to reflect on their experience with their GP College and training facility. Overall, registrars continue to report high levels of satisfaction.

Place of Publication

Canberra, Australia


Australian Government Department of Health

Geographic Subject


