Higher education research


ACER's global research expertise addresses policy, assessment and surveys in the higher education sector to support leaders, policymakers, educators and learners.


Submissions from 2024


Children’s University in Australia and New Zealand: Reach and impact, Katherine Dix, Shani Sniedze, and Tamara Van Der Zant


Australian university outcomes: A national study comparing IBDP and non-IBDP students, Kylie Hillman, Daniel Edwards, and Leyna Clarke


Alumni Voices: Insights from international graduates of UK education, Sladana Krstic and Alexander Towne


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2023 National Registrar Survey, Rebecca Taylor, Leyna Clarke, and Michelle Hsien

Submissions from 2023


The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) response to the Australian Universities Accord Panel interim report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Rethinking assessment in response to generative artificial intelligence, Jacob Pearce and Neville Chiavaroli


International Comparison of Tertiary Education Systems, Ian Teo, Michelle Hsien, Sarah Buckley, and Anita Roberts

Submissions from 2022


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2022 National Registrar Survey, Rebecca Taylor, Leyna Clarke, and Ali Radloff

Submissions from 2021


STEM Pathways: The impact of equity, motivation and prior achievement, Julie McMillan, Sheldon Rothman, Sarah Buckley, and Daniel Edwards


Incorporating aspects of programmatic assessment into examinations: Aggregating rich information to inform decision-making, Jacob Pearce, Kate Reid, Neville Chiavaroli, and Dylan Hyam


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2020 National Registrar Survey, Rebecca Taylor, Leyna Clarke, and Ali Radloff


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2021 National Registrar Survey, Rebecca Taylor, Leyna Clarke, and Ali Radloff

Submissions from 2020


International education in regional study destinations: Building the evidence base: Final report, Justin Brown, Jo Doyle, Leyna Clarke, Ali Radloff, and Darren Matthews


Systematic review of the literature on professional education accreditation, Neville Chiavaroli, Kate Reid, Pru Mitchell, and Jenny Trevitt


Prompting Candidates in Oral Assessment Contexts: A Taxonomy and Guiding Principles, Jacob Pearce and Neville Chiavaroli


Universities need to train lecturers in online delivery, or they risk students dropping out, Pauline Taylor-Guy and Anne-Marie Chase

Submissions from 2019


International Graduate Outcomes Survey 2018 Final Report, Darren Matthews, Ali Radloff, Jo Doyle, and Leyna Clarke


Performance in first year mathematics and science subjects in Australian universities: Does senior secondary mathematics background matter? Final report, Julie McMillan and Daniel Edwards


Australian Higher Education Equity Ranking Project: Final Report, Tim Pitman, Paul Koshy, Daniel Edwards, Liang-Cheng Zhang, and Julie McMillan


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2019 National Registrar Survey, Ali Radloff, Leyna Clarke, and Darren Matthews

Submissions from 2018


The Japan University Experience Survey (JUES), Darren Matthews and Leyna Clarke


Assessment of university support services for regional and remote students on transition to university: final report, Darren Matthews, Gina Milgate, and Leyna Clarke


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2018 National Registrar Survey, Rebecca Taylor, Leyna Clarke, and Daniel Edwards


Australian General Practice Training Program: National Report on the 2017 National Registrar Survey, Rebecca Taylor, Ali Radloff, Daniel Edwards, and Leyna Clarke

Submissions from 2017


Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: A Review of Literature for the Higher Education Academy, Brad Jackel, Jacob Pearce, Ali Radloff, and Daniel Edwards


Final Report: Development of an online engagement scale, Darren Matthews, Ling Tan, and Daniel Edwards


Australian General Practice Training Program: National report on the 2016 Registrar Satisfaction Survey, Ali Radloff, Daniel Edwards, and Darren Matthews


Review of the Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (PREQ): Final report, Ali Radloff, Darren Matthews, Yan Bibby, and Daniel Edwards

Submissions from 2016


National research on the postgraduate student experience : case presentation : volume 2 : postgraduate student diversity, Bill Eckersley, Linda Crane, Shelley Kinash, Amy Bannatyne, Gary Hamlin, Helen Partridge, Sarah Richardson, Harry Rolf, and Ken Udas


Higher Education Standards Panel consultation : Transparency of Higher Education Admissions Processes: Response from the Australian Council for Educational Research, Daniel Edwards, Brad Jackel, and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Developing a Global Health Assessment Collaboration: Ancillary Report, Daniel Edwards, Jacob Pearce, and David Wilkinson


National research on the postgraduate student experience : case presentation: volume 1: first year postgraduate student experience, Gary Hamlin, Shelley Kinash, Linda Crane, Amy Bannatyne, Madelaine-Marie Judd, Ashley Stark, Bill Eckersley, Helen Partridge, and Ken Udas


Mapping Researcher Mobility: Measuring research collaboration among APEC economies, Ali Radloff


Investigating the Relationship between Equity and Graduate Outcomes in Australia, Sarah Richardson, Dawn Bennett, and Lynne Roberts

Submissions from 2015


Completing university in a growing sector: Is equity an issue?, Daniel Edwards and Julie McMillan


Work Integrated Learning in STEM in Australian Universities: Final report: Submitted to the Office of the Chief Scientist, Daniel Edwards, Kate Perkins, Jacob Pearce, and Jennifer Hong


Australian Postgraduate Research Student International Mobility: Research Report 2015, Sarah Richardson


Enhancing cross-border higher education institution mobility in the APEC region, Sarah Richardson


Researcher Mobility Workshop Report: Researcher mobility among APEC economies, Sarah Richardson, Julie McMillan, and Ren Yi


AGPT Registrar Satisfaction Survey November 2015, Rebecca Taylor, Ali Radloff, Jennifer Hong, and Daniel Edwards

Submissions from 2014


Governance models for collaborations involving assessment, Australian Medical Assessment Collaboration (AMAC), Ben Canny, and Hamish Coates


Implementing Common Assessment: Lessons and Models from AMAC Developed by the Australian Medical Assessment Collaboration, Daniel Edwards


AGPT Registrar Satisfaction Survey 2014, Daniel Edwards, Jennifer Hong, and Ali Radloff


Focus Groups for informing AWPA’s Engineering Workforce Study 2014: Final Report, Daniel Edwards, Jacob Pearce, Kate Perkins, and Justin Brown


Australian Medical Assessment Collaboration: from proof of concept to proof of sustainability: final report 2014, Daniel Edwards and David Wilkinson


Promoting Regional Education Services Integration: APEC University Associations Cross-Border Education Cooperation Workshop: Workshop Report: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20 – 22 May 2014, Sarah Richardson


Promoting Regional Education Services Integration: APEC University Associations Cross-Border Education Cooperation Workshop: Discussion Paper, Sarah Richardson and Ali Radloff


Determining the Quality of Assessment Items in Collaborations: Aspects to Discuss to Reach Agreement Developed by the Australian Medical Assessment Collaboration, Lambert Schuwirth and Jacob Pearce

Submissions from 2013


Profiling diversity of Australian universities, Hamish Coates, Daniel Edwards, Leo Goedegebuure, Marian Thakur, Eva van der Brugge, and Frans van Vught


Higher education enrolment growth, change and the role of private HEPs, Daniel Edwards and Ali Radloff


AGPT Registrar Satisfaction Survey 2013, Rebecca Taylor and Hamish B. Coates

Submissions from 2012


Phase one of the demonstration project on course redesign and academic productivity : final report, Peter Bentley, Hamish Bennett Coates, and Leo Goedegebuure


IB graduates in Australian universities : entry and outcomes : a case study of two institutions : project report, Daniel Edwards and Catherine Underwood


2012 University Experience Survey National Report, Ali Radloff, Hamish Coates, Rebecca Taylor, Richard James, and Kerri-Lee Krause


The Australian Medical Assessment Collaboration: developing the foundations for a national assessment of medical student learning outcomes, David Wilkinson, Daniel Edwards, Hamish Coates, Ben Canny, Jacob Pearce, Jennifer Schaefer, Tracey Papinczak, and Lindy McAllister

Submissions from 2011


Regenerating the academic workforce: the careers, intentions and motivations of higher degree research students in Australia: findings of the National Research Student Survey (NRSS), Daniel Edwards, Emmaline Bexley, and Sarah Richardson


Student Profile: Supporting Analysis: Gippsland Tertiary Education Plan, Daniel Edwards and Catherine Underwood


Student Demand Projections: Supporting Analysis: Gippsland Tertiary Education Plan, Daniel Edwards and Paul R. Weldon


Industry, Employment, and Population profile: Supporting Analysis: Gippsland Tertiary Education Plan, Daniel Edwards, Paul R. Weldon, and Tim Friedman


Report on the Development of the University Experience Survey, Ali Radloff, Hamish Coates, Richard James, and Kerri-Lee Krause

Submissions from 2010


Student Aptitude Test for Tertiary Admission (SATTA) Pilot Program: Evaluation Report for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), Hamish Bennett Coates, Daniel Edwards, and Tim Friedman


VET Leadership for the Future: contexts, characteristics and capabilities, Hamish Bennett Coates, V Lynn Meek, Justin Brown, Tim Friedman, Peter Noonan, and John Mitchell


VET Leadership for the Future: contexts, characteristics and capabilities : research briefing., Hamish Bennett Coates, V Lynn Meek, Justin Brown, Tim Friedman, Peter Noonan, and John Mitchell

Graduate Course Experience 2009 : the report of the course experience questionnaire., Hamish Coates, Daniel Edwards, Tim Friedman, and Bruce Guthrie


International students’ engagement with effective educational practices : a cross-national comparison, Daniel Edwards, Hamish Bennett Coates, and Ali Radloff


Australian Regional Higher Education: Student characteristics and experiences, Sarah Richardson and Tim Friedman


The On Track Survey 2009 : The Destinations of School Leavers in Victoria. Statewide report, Sheldon Rothman, Justin Brown, Kylie Hillman, Gary Marks, and Phillip McKenzie


Production of a prototype online leadership learning tool and system for Australian universities, Geoff Scott, Hamish Coates, and Michelle Anderson

Submissions from 2009


Engaging students for success : Australasian Student Engagement Report, Hamish Bennett Coates


Engaging College Communities: The impact of residential colleges in Australian higher education, Hamish Bennett Coates and Daniel Edwards


The attractiveness of the Australian academic profession : a comparative analysis, Hamish Coates, Ian Dobson, Daniel Edwards, Tim Friedman, Leo Goedegebuure, and Lynn Meek


The 2008 graduate pathways survey : graduates education and employment outcomes five years after completion of a bachelor degree at an Australian university, Hamish Coates and Daniel Edwards


Forecasting university enrolment and completion numbers for Victoria, Daniel Edwards


The contribution and standards processes of private higher education providers, Daniel Edwards, Hamish Bennett Coates, and Ali Radloff


Supply, demand and characteristics of the higher degree by research population in Australia, Daniel Edwards, Ali Radloff, and Hamish Coates


The On Track Survey 2008: The Destinations of School Leavers in Victoria, Sheldon Rothman, Kylie Hillman, Phillip McKenzie, and Gary Marks

Submissions from 2008


A Tight Balancing Act : Leadership Challenges for University Heads, Michelle Anderson, Geoff Scott, and Hamish Coates


The Australian academic profession in 2007 : a first analysis of the survey results, Hamish Bennett Coates, Leo Goedegebuure, Jeannet Van der Lee, and Lynn Meek


Participation in VET in Schools, Hamish Coates and Sheldon Rothman


Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Case Studies, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith


Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Final Report, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith


Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Literature Review and Data Analysis, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith


Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Stakeholder Consultations, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith


Learning leaders in times of change: Academic Leadership Capabilities for Australian Higher Education, Geoff Scott, Hamish Coates, and Michelle Anderson

Submissions from 2007


Australian Young People : Their Stories, Their Families And Post School Plans, Jennifer Bryce, Michelle Anderson, Tracey Frigo, and Phillip McKenzie


Perceptions of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme among Australian and New Zealand universities, Hamish Coates, Marita MacMahon-Ball, and Chris Rosicka

Submissions from 2002


Graduate Skills Assessment : Stage One Validity Study, Sam Hambur, Ken Rowe, and Luc T. Le

Submissions from 2001


Graduate skills assessment. Summary report, The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER

Submissions from 2000


Pathways for youth in Australia., Phillip McKenzie