International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL)
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Online learning, Psychometrics, Measurement
Online learning, Psychometrics, Measurement
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Quantitative Psychology | Secondary Education
Social support has an important role, so that students in online learning can reduce the various problems they face. Social support here comes from parents, teachers, classmates, close friends, and the school itself as an institution. Based on this, it is necessary to do research related to social support to get an overview of the support from whom students need in online learning. Furthermore, this can be used as input to intervene in the problems faced by students. To conduct this research, it is necessary to have a measuring tool to conduct social support research. One of the comprehensive measuring tools in measuring social support is the Child and Adult Social Support Scale (CASSS) which has been made by (Malecki & Demaray, 2002). This study aims to: (1) adapt the Indonesian version of the CASSS measuring instrument, (2) test the psychometric properties of the measuring instrument that has been adapted in Indonesian. The results show that the CASSS measuring instrument that has been adapted shows that the loading factor value of all items is above 0.7. Based on this, it can be said that all items (60 items) in the CASSS scale which are the observed variables have good validity on the latent variables on each dimension of the Social support construct. Meanwhile, each dimension also has a good factor load on the Social Support construct. This shows that all CASSS items have good validity values so that they can be used for further research. The results of the reliability calculation show that all subscales of the CASSS Scale have a reliability value above 0.9 using the alpha technique.
Recommended Citation
Mastuti, Endah; Fajrianthi; and Andriani, Fitri, "Validation of the Child and Adult Social Support Scale (CASSS) which measures social support in the Indonesian version" (2022). International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL). 10.
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2022
Jakarta, Indonesia
ACER Indonesia
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Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Quantitative Psychology Commons, Secondary Education Commons
Paper presented at ICAL 2022 — Transforming Assessment and Learning: Making the System Work!
13 - 15 October 2022, Bali, Indonesia