International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL)
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Quality assessment, Measurement, Primary education
Quality assessment, Measurement, Primary education
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Elementary Education
Decision-making must be based on valid data, as well as decision-making in the field of education. It is very important to have a valid instrument, therefore it is necessary to develop an educational quality mapping instrument that can measure the achievement of the quality of education. This instrument was developed based on educational quality standards, namely the competency quality of graduates, content, process, assessment, educators and education personnel, infrastructure, management, and financing. The purpose of this study was to obtain an instrument that has high validity. The educational quality mapping instrument (IP-SNP) uses a rating scale, collecting data through a survey of principals in 19,460 elementary schools (SD) in West Java Province. Construct validity was carried out by 3 experts in educational measurement and management, several items were revised based on expert input. The data processing and analysis method in this study uses the IRT (Item Response Theory) method with the Rasch Model Winstep application version 3.7. The results of the Rasch Model analysis show that the SD level IP-SNP instrument has a Cronbach Alpha score of 0.90 which means that the reliability of persons and items is high, while the reliability of 0.93 means that the instrument is very good. Item validity of 0.97 means that the item can measure the achievement of the quality of education, strengthened by the separation of 2.85 items. This question has a good distribution of responses. Educational quality mapping instruments can be used.
Recommended Citation
Mutaqinah, Rina; Sumintono, Bambang; and Triatna, Yanti, "Development of educational quality mapping instruments (IP-SNP) in West Java" (2022). International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL). 12.
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2022
Jakarta, Indonesia
ACER Indonesia
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Paper presented at ICAL 2022 — Transforming Assessment and Learning: Making the System Work!
13 - 15 October 2022, Bali, Indonesia