"National Assessment Program : ICT Literacy Years 6 & 10 Report 2014" by Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz et al.

Publication Date



ICT in education, Computer literacy, Computer attitudes, Digital literacy, Technological literacy, Year 6, year 10, Upper primary years, Upper secondary years, Questionnaire


Julian Fraillon and Wolfram Schulz were co-directors of the project that resulted in this report. This public report was written by Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, Eveline Gebhardt and John Ainley. Kate O’Malley and Warren Herbs managed the field operations and data collection. The assessment development team was led by Julian Fraillon and Ray Philpot. The sampling and analysis team was led by Wolfram Schulz and Eveline Gebhardt and Martin Murphy. The information technology team comprised Robbie Ratts, Jafaruddin Lie, Mette Hoeyberg, Matt Wurm and Phooi Lai Chan.


Literacy in information and communication technology (ICT) is critical to students as they progress through schooling and enter a world in which information technology will be ubiquitous. Work, health care, family finances, learning and social interaction will all depend on competence in ICT. To assess progress in this crucial part of student learning, ACARA conducts a National Assessment Program (NAP) aimed at measuring ICT literacy. Every three years since 2005, a sample of Year 6 and Year 10 students from across Australia have been tested to determine their ICT knowledge, understanding and skills and their ability to use ICT creatively, critically and responsibly. This program is conducted under the auspices of the Education Council. The proficient standards set for ICT literacy are challenging but attainable for Year 6 and Year 10 students. For example, students are asked to search websites to find appropriate material; format a document; crop an image; create a short slide show or apply knowledge of user–interface design conventions; design an online survey and use software to add two new levels to an online game. This report provides the results of 10,562 Australian students by state, territory and student sub-groups and provides details of their achievement on the most recent test of ICT literacy. In addition to the test of ICT knowledge and skills, students were surveyed about their ICT perceptions and their use of ICT in schools and at home.

Place of Publication

Sydney NSW


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)

