Little J and Big Cuz
Miss Chen’s blog: Traditional Indigenous games in preschool
Publication Date
Indigenous education, Aboriginal education, Early childhood education, Educational resources
Little J & Big Cuz is an animated children’s series that follows two Aboriginal children who live with their nanna and lovable dog. The 13 episodes explore the unfamiliar world of school and how, with the help of their teacher Miss Chen, Little J and Big Cuz navigate their first years of school life. In this regular blog, Miss Chen will be sharing some of the F-2 resources she’s been using in her classroom, which are all available to download for free via the Little J & Big Cuz website.
Recommended Citation
Vukovic, Rebecca. (November 2017) 'Miss Chen’s blog: Traditional Indigenous games in preschool', Teacher, ACER. https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/articles/miss-chens-blog-traditional-indigenous-games-in-preschool
Place of Publication
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)