"Review of the Examination Processes for Membership and Fellowship of t" by Gabrielle Matters

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This paper deals with examinations administered by the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists (ACVSc) (herein referred to as ‘the College’) to veterinarians at two levels – membership and fellowship. Membership examinations are set at a level that denotes an above-average level of expertise of the candidate in a particular field, signifying advisory status but no specialist status. Fellowship examinations are set at a very high standard and are intended to signify specialist status. The system of examinations administered by the College involves two components –written and oral/practical. Candidates, for both memberships and fellowships, sit the written examination in early June in locations across Australia and New Zealand (and several other countries). Candidates take the oral/practical examination in the first week of July at a venue on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The College commissioned a rigorous review of their examinations processes by an independent person trained in educational theory. Although constantly reviewing its examination procedures, and having involved educational expertise in this process in the past, the College’s specific requirements for this current review of the examination processes included monitoring oral examinations and identification of areas in need of change or further development.

