"Literacy and numeracy diagnostic tools : an evaluation" by Margaret Forster

Publication Date



Commissioned by the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies Branch, Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).


Within the context of a national drive to improve literacy and numeracy learning, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) is looking at the possibility of developing a set of literacy and numeracy diagnostic tools for use in Australian schools. This scoping study—a relatively small scale piece of work designed as a first step from which DEEWR might move forward—is not a direct study of ‘what works to improve literacy and numeracy’. Its focus is on the identification and evaluation of the print and on-line literacy and numeracy diagnostic tools used currently in Australian schools. Particular attention is given to tools developed for the early years of schooling; those developed specifically for the transition years from primary school to secondary school and for Year 9; and those that address the needs of students who are educationally disadvantaged. The study brief specifies a range of short term, medium term and long term objectives.

