OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Australia
Publication Date
Secondary school students, Mathematics achievement, Social inclusion, Student teacher relationship, Discipline, Bullying, Safety, Parent participation, Student stress, Curiosity, Academic persistence, Teacher shortage, Resource allocation, Student teacher ratio, School leaders, Student behaviour, Digital technology, International comparisons, Questionnaires
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international comparative study of student performance directed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). PISA measures the cumulative outcomes of education by assessing how well 15-year-olds, who have nearly completed compulsory schooling in most participating educational systems, are prepared to use their knowledge and skills in particular areas to meet real-world opportunities and challenges. In addition to the cognitive data reported on in Volume I, PISA collected a wealth of student and school contextual data through the background questionnaires. This report focuses on a variety of constructs related to 15-year-old students’ experiences at school, which illustrate student background characteristics and schooling environments, including sense of belonging, student–teacher relationships, disciplinary climate, exposure to bullying, students’ resistance to stress, curiosity, perseverance, shortage of educational staff and shortage of educational material. Volume II of the PISA 2022 national report examines the similarities and differences between a number of participating countries and economies, referred to as comparison countries; the Australian states and territories; and, school sector and different demographic groups for each of the above constructs. The results from PISA, as one of the assessments in the National Assessment Program, allow for nationally comparable reports of student outcomes against the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (Education Council, 2019).
Recommended Citation
De Bortoli, L., Underwood, C., Friedman, T., & Gebhardt, E. (2024). PISA 2022. Reporting Australia’s results. Volume II: Student and school characteristics. Australian Council for Educational Research. https://doi.org/10.37517/978-1-74286-726-7
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright Statement
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2024
Place of Publication
Camberwell, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research
Geographic Subject
Australia, Australia
Included in
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons