Start Date
17-8-2009 3:00 PM
End Date
17-8-2009 4:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Spencer, K., & Balacco, D. (2009, August 17). Next practice: what we are learning about teaching from student data [Paper presentation]. 2009 - Assessment and Student Learning : Collecting, Interpreting and Using Data to Inform Teaching. https://research.acer.edu.au/research_conference/RC2009/17august/14
RC09_KatrinaSpencer-DanielBalacco.ppt (2239 kB)
Aug 17th, 3:00 PM
Aug 17th, 4:00 PM
Next practice: what we are learning about teaching from student data
This paper presents emergent learning from two South Australia Department of Education and Children’s Services (DECS) initiatives. The Supporting Improved Literacy Achievement (SILA) pilot and the DECS Classroom Inquiry Projects are allowing DECS to explore next practices in relation to informing teaching through analysis of student data at the system, school, class and learner levels. The SILA pilot is currently being implemented in 32 DECS low-SES schools to provide new approaches to improve literacy outcomes in disadvantaged schools. The pilot is successfully developing practical understandings in the use of a range of data to achieve focussed whole school literacy approaches, build teacher and leader capacity and strengthen home– school partnerships. The DECS Classroom Inquiry Project was implemented in a high-SES primary school to investigate how to help experienced teachers gather and use data to drive decisions about learners and pedagogy. The inquiry enabled teachers to connect school improvement priorities to their classroom practices through the effective use of data. Teachers involved found that using student achievement, perception and observational data provided valuable information for learners and in directing pedagogy. These case studies highlight the important role of student data to support meaningful reform at all levels in education.