Start Date

17-8-2009 3:00 PM

End Date

17-8-2009 4:00 PM


This presentation provides the background and context to the important issue of assessment and equity in relation to Indigenous students in Australia. It draws on the research from an ARC Linkage project that is examining questions about the validity and fairness of assessment. Ways forward are suggested by attending to assessment questions in relation to equity and culture-fair assessment. Patterns of under-achievement by Indigenous students are reflected in national benchmark data (NAPLAN) and international testing programs like the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2003) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The approaches developed view equity, in relation to assessment, as more of a sociocultural issue than a technical matter. They highlight how teachers need to distinguish the ‘funds of knowledge’ that Indigenous students draw on and how teachers need to adopt culturally responsive pedagogy to open up the curriculum and assessment practice to allow for different ways of knowing and being.

RC09_Klenowski-Gertz.pptx (157 kB)


Import Event to Google Calendar

Aug 17th, 3:00 PM Aug 17th, 4:00 PM

Culture-fair assessment leading to culturally responsive pedagogy with Indigenous students


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