Indigenous curriculum is out there but lacking a quality teaching base.

Presenter Information

John Lester, University of Newcastle

Start Date

8-8-2011 3:15 PM

End Date

8-8-2011 4:30 PM


As the principal researcher on the Review of Aboriginal Education Policy in NSW in 2004 it was evident that significant Aboriginal Studies curriculum had been developed and commenced implementation along with ever increasing quality resources to match the development. Unfortunately, the Review further pointed out that the quality of the delivery of these new won curriculum and resource gains were not being maximised in classrooms where Indigenous students in particular were not being engaged in education. An increasing quality curriculum and resource base isn’t going to replace quality inclusive pedagogy. Teachers’ must carry their weight if we are to close the gap. Education for Indigenous students shouldn’t rely on a ‘lucky dip’ of those fortunate enough to find themselves in classes with quality inclusive teachers.


Concurrent Session Block 2

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Aug 8th, 3:15 PM Aug 8th, 4:30 PM

Indigenous curriculum is out there but lacking a quality teaching base.

Concurrent Session Block 2