ACEReSearch - 2009 - 2019 ACER Research Conferences: The role of evidence in teaching and learning

Monday 13 August 2018

Start Date

13-8-2018 9:00 AM

End Date

13-8-2018 10:00 AM


Evidence based practice, Teaching effectiveness, Teaching methods, Monitoring (Assessment)


Keynote 1


Highly-effective teaching requires evidence-informed decision making at crucial points in the teaching process. First, effective teachers use quality evidence to establish the points individual learners have reached in their learning. This enables teachers to identify starting points for further teaching and learning and to ensure that each student is given learning opportunities at an appropriate level of challenge. In contrast, much teaching instead assumes all students will be appropriately challenged by common year-level curricula. The process of establishing and understanding where students are in their learning often requires detailed diagnostic evidence of individual misunderstandings and obstacles to learning progress. Second, highly effective teachers have a repertoire of evidence-informed teaching strategies and select from these to engage individual students, set ambitious but realistic learning goals and target teaching to address individual learning needs. Third, effective teachers use evidence to monitor the progress individuals make in their learning over extended periods of time. They use evidence of progress to assess the adequacy of an individual’s learning, to intervene when progress is inadequate and to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching strategies and interventions. In using evidence in these ways, highly effective teachers work with colleagues to build knowledge about better ways to use evidence to promote every student’s growth.

Place of Publication

Melbourne, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)




Aug 13th, 9:00 AM Aug 13th, 10:00 AM

The role of evidence in teaching and learning

Highly-effective teaching requires evidence-informed decision making at crucial points in the teaching process. First, effective teachers use quality evidence to establish the points individual learners have reached in their learning. This enables teachers to identify starting points for further teaching and learning and to ensure that each student is given learning opportunities at an appropriate level of challenge. In contrast, much teaching instead assumes all students will be appropriately challenged by common year-level curricula. The process of establishing and understanding where students are in their learning often requires detailed diagnostic evidence of individual misunderstandings and obstacles to learning progress. Second, highly effective teachers have a repertoire of evidence-informed teaching strategies and select from these to engage individual students, set ambitious but realistic learning goals and target teaching to address individual learning needs. Third, effective teachers use evidence to monitor the progress individuals make in their learning over extended periods of time. They use evidence of progress to assess the adequacy of an individual’s learning, to intervene when progress is inadequate and to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching strategies and interventions. In using evidence in these ways, highly effective teachers work with colleagues to build knowledge about better ways to use evidence to promote every student’s growth.


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