ACEReSearch - 2009 - 2019 ACER Research Conferences: Making online group-work work: Scripts, group awareness and facilitation

Monday 13 August 2018

Presenter Information

Peter Reimann, University of Sydney

Start Date

13-8-2018 11:30 AM

End Date

13-8-2018 12:30 PM


Computer mediated communication, Group activities, Coordination, Online learning, Online teaching


Session 3i


Even though group work for learning is a well-established and extensively researched pedagogy, teachers find it still challenging to engage students in productive collaborative learning that extends over time (e.g. weeks – in the context of project-based learning) and is computer-mediated in addition to being classroom-based. I introduce three practices that have been shown to foster collaborative knowledge production and learning: first, group scripts; second, knowledge building and knowledge awareness; and third, group facilitation. I discuss how teachers can integrate these into their teaching practices to address three challenges to productive group learning: unequal participation, lack of awareness, and stratified learning zones.

Place of Publication

Melbourne, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)




Aug 13th, 11:30 AM Aug 13th, 12:30 PM

Making online group-work work: Scripts, group awareness and facilitation

Even though group work for learning is a well-established and extensively researched pedagogy, teachers find it still challenging to engage students in productive collaborative learning that extends over time (e.g. weeks – in the context of project-based learning) and is computer-mediated in addition to being classroom-based. I introduce three practices that have been shown to foster collaborative knowledge production and learning: first, group scripts; second, knowledge building and knowledge awareness; and third, group facilitation. I discuss how teachers can integrate these into their teaching practices to address three challenges to productive group learning: unequal participation, lack of awareness, and stratified learning zones.


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