Towards the end of 2002, over 10 000 Australian students in Year 4 and Year 8 participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2002/03). These students completed tests in mathematics and science achievement, and answered questionnaires on their background and experiences in learning mathematics and science at school. School principals and the students' mathematics and science teachers also completed detailed questionnaires. In 45 other countries students, teachers and principals completed the same tests and questionnaires.


Submissions from 2006


Australian Students Achievement in the TIMSS 2002 Mathematics Cognitive Domains, Sue Thomson


Achievement of Australia's Early Secondary Indigenous Students: Findings from TIMSS 2003, Sue Thomson, Pippa McKelvie, and Hanna Murnane

Submissions from 2004


Examining the evidence: Science achievement in Australian schools in TIMSS 2002, Sue Thomson and Nicole Fleming


Highlights from TIMSS from Australia's perspective: Highlights from the full Australian reports from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2002/03, Sue Thomson and Nicole Fleming


Summing it up : Mathematics achievement in Australian schools in TIMSS 2002, Sue Thomson and Nicole Fleming