TIMSS Australia Monograph Series | Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Print copies of former reports in the TIMSS series can be purchased online from ACER Shop or from Customer Services: 03 9277 5447, email: sales@acer.edu.au

International reports from TIMSS can be downloaded from the IEA TIMSS website.

An online data analysis system of the results obtained in TIMSS 1994/5 and TIMSS 1998/9 is available through the IEA's lighthouse data system.

The full data set from previous TIMSS results can be downloaded from the ISC website
TIMSS 1995 Database
TIMSS 1999 Database
TIMSS 2002 Database


Submissions from 2008


TIMSS 2007: Taking a closer look at mathematics and science in Australia, Sue Thomson, Nicole Wernert, Catherine Underwood, and Marina Nicholas

Submissions from 2006


Teaching Science in Australia : Results from the TIMSS 1999 Video Study, Jan Lokan, Hilary Hollingsworth, and Mark Hackling


Australian Students Achievement in the TIMSS 2002 Mathematics Cognitive Domains, Sue Thomson


Achievement of Australia's Early Secondary Indigenous Students: Findings from TIMSS 2003, Sue Thomson, Pippa McKelvie, and Hanna Murnane

Submissions from 2004


Examining the evidence: Science achievement in Australian schools in TIMSS 2002, Sue Thomson and Nicole Fleming


Highlights from TIMSS from Australia's perspective: Highlights from the full Australian reports from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2002/03, Sue Thomson and Nicole Fleming


Summing it up : Mathematics achievement in Australian schools in TIMSS 2002, Sue Thomson and Nicole Fleming

Submissions from 2003


Teaching mathematics in Australia : results from the TIMSS 1999 video study, Jan Lokan, Barry McRae, and Hilary Hollingsworth


Lessons from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, Sue Thomson, Jan Lokan, Lamb Stephen, and John Ainley

Submissions from 2002


Mathematics and Science Achievement of Junior Secondary School Students in Australia, Susan Zammit, Alla Routitsky, and Lisa Greenwood

Submissions from 2001


Classroom And School Factors Affecting Mathematics Achievement: a Comparative Study of the US and Australia Using TIMSS, Stephen Lamb and Sue Fullarton
