"Teaching mathematics in Australia : results from the TIMSS 1999 video " by Jan Lokan, Barry McRae et al.

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TIMSS Australia monograph ; n.5 The national report is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing eight lessons (four from Australia and one from each of four other countries) which illustrates the report findings and provides a teacher resource.


The broad purpose of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Video Study was to investigate and describe Year 8 mathematics and science teaching practices in a variety of countries. More specific aims included : development of objective, observational measures of classroom instruction to serve as quantitative indicators of teaching practices; comparison of teaching practices to identify similar or different lesson features across countries; and development of methods for reporting results of the study, including preparation of video cases for both research and professional development purposes. Australia's goals for participating in the study emphasised : obtaining authentic and rich information on mathematics teaching in Australian lower secondary schools; ascertaining the extent to which Australian mathematics teaching in 1999 reflected emphases in curriculum documents developed during the 1990s; viewing Australian teaching practices in relation to those Asian countries that were among the highest achieving countries on the TIMSS 1995 mathematics assessment; assembling an information base of classroom practice for professional development purposes; and taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from the study's innovative methodology. A secondary objective in Australia was to examine differences in content and pedagogy between high and low achieving classrooms.
