Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Case Study in Mongolia: management and commerce fields
Publication Date
Scholarships, Alumni, International students, Developing countries, International aid, Higher education, Economic development, Capacity building, Financial management, Gender equity, Case studies, Impact studies
This report details the outcomes of a case study of Mongolian alumni of Australian Development Scholarships. Alumni in this case study completed their scholarships between 2006 and 2010 in management and commerce related fields of study. Mongolia case study alumni have made strong contributions to partner-country development priorities in the finance section, including developing fiscal policy, strengthening macroeconomic systems, and financial risk assessment while supporting the capacity development of colleagues. Alumni in this case study held very positive views about Australia, Australians and Australian expertise. Alumni provided examples of how they were able to use the skills and knowledge they had gained in Australia to advance their careers, support colleagues to gain knowledge, and to the benefit of their institutions and sector. This application of skills and knowledge speaks to its relevance to alumni’s workplaces and sectors. The impact of the Australia Awards on gender equality has also been attributed to alumni experiences of studying, living and working in Australia. This experiential learning has influenced alumni perspectives of gender norms, and helped alumnae gain confidence as leaders.
Recommended Citation
Parker, R.; Chainey, J. (2018). Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility: Case Study in Mongolia: management and commerce fields. Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. https://dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards/Pages/australia-awards-global-tracer-facility-mongolia-alumni-case-study.aspx
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Place of Publication
Canberra, Australia
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Geographic Subject
Asia, Mongolia