Assessment GEMS
The Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Centre supports the monitoring of education worldwide to drive improvements in learning. The GEM Centre is a long-term partnership between the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The Assessment GEMS series provides overviews and insights into large-scale national, regional and international assessments. Papers in the series also focus on strengthening education systems using approaches developed by the GEM Centre.
ISSN 2203-9406 (Online)
Submissions from 2021
Teaching and Learning International Survey, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics Program, Australian Council for Educational Research
Submissions from 2020
International Civic and Citizenship Education Study, Australian Council for Educational Research
International Computer and Information Literacy Study, Australian Council for Educational Research
International Early Learning and Child Well-Being Study, Australian Council for Educational Research
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment, Australian Council for Educational Research
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study: Measuring and making international comparisons of student achievement in reading, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Early Grade Mathematics Assessment: Assessing children’s acquisition of basic numeracy skills in developing countries, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Early Grade Reading Assessment: Assessing children’s acquisition of basic literacy skills in developing countries, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Latin-American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education: Measuring and comparing educational quality in Latin America, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality, Australian Council for Educational Research
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study: Measuring and making international comparisons of student achievement in mathematics and science, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Annual Status of Education Report survey: Monitoring learning levels of children in rural India, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Submissions from 2016
System-level assessment and educational policy, John Cresswell
Measuring the impact of citizen-led assessments for improving the quality of education, Mollie Tobin and Petra Lietz
Submissions from 2015
The Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (superseded version), Australian Council for Educational Research
Monitoring reading progress : Towards a global approach, Ross Turner, Juliette Mendelovits, Prue Anderson, and Ray J. Adams
Submissions from 2014
Uwezo: Monitoring children’s competencies in East Africa, ACER
The Early Grade Reading Assessment: Assessing children's acquisition of basic literacy skills in developing countries (superseded version), Australian Council for Educational Research
The Latin-American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education: Measuring and comparing educational quality in Latin America (superseded version), Australian Council for Educational Research
The Annual Status of Education Report survey: Monitoring learning levels of children in rural India, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Monitoring trends in educational growth in Afghanistan, Stephanie Templeton
Described proficiency scales and learning metrics, Ross Turner
The 'literacy' idea, Ross Turner