Civics and Citizenship Assessment
Publication Date
The 2007 National Civics and Citizenship Sample Assessment report is the second to be published on Civics and Citizenship in the cycle of three-yearly sample assessments conducted by MCEETYA as part of its National Assessment Program (NAP). The assessment measured students’ civic knowledge and understanding and their citizenship participation skills and dispositions. The assessment was conducted in October 2007 with 7,059 Year 6 students from 349 schools and 5,506 Year 10 students from 269 schools participating. The participating students were from both government and non-government schools. Results of the assessment show that nationally, 54 per cent of Year 6 students achieved or bettered the Year 6 proficient standard and 41 per cent of Year 10 students achieved or bettered the Year 10 proficient standard. This represents a slight improvement on the 2004 assessment of 3 per cent for Year 6 students and 2 per cent for Year 10 students. The proficient standard represents a “challenging but reasonable” expectation for typical Year 6 and 10 students to have reached by the end of each of those years of study. The report also found that students performed better where their schools provided them with opportunities to participate in civics and citizenship activities and also in school governance activities such as voting and decision-making at school.
Recommended Citation
Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA)., & Mellor, S. (2009). National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship Years 6 and 10 Report 2007. https://research.acer.edu.au/civics/2
Copyright Statement
© 2009 Curriculum Corporation as the legal entity for the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA).
Included in
Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons
ACER Staff Suzanne Mellor was ACER’s Project Director for the National Assessment Program – Civics and Citizenship 2007, of which this public report is the chief deliverable. John Ainley assisted with its overall direction. The Test Development team comprised: Julian Fraillon, Lucy Bastecky, Roslyn Gross and Daniel Duckworth. The analysis team comprised Wolfram Schulz, Eveline Gebhardt and Renee Chow, with Martin Murphy (sampling) and Yan Bibby (school reports). Nicole Wernert managed school and assessment administration and, with the assistance of Alana Deery, worked on the collected assessment data and, especially, the student background data. The Technical Report was written by Wernert, Gebhardt and Schulz with assistance of other staff. The Data Base and Manual was prepared by Wernert and Chow. The public report was written by Mellor, Wernert, Deery and Schulz. It was designed and set by DTP at ACER.