Civics and Citizenship Assessment

Civics and Citizenship Assessment


ACER has undertaken national and international assessments in the area of Civics and Citizenship, including the International Civics and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), and Australia's National Assessment Program for Civics and Citizenship (NAP-CC).

International Civics and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS)

The ICCS investigates ways young people are prepared to undertake their roles as citizens in a range of countries in the 21st century. The study reports on student achievement in a test of knowledge, conceptual understanding and competencies in civic and citizenship education, and collects and analyses data about student dispositions and attitudes relating to civics and citizenship.

National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship (NAP-CC)

Under Australia's National Assessment Program, the Civics and Citizenship sample assessment is administered to a representative sample of Year 6 and Year 10 students every three years. It is conducted under the auspices of the Education Council. NAP-CC assesses students’ skills, knowledge and understandings of Australia’s system of government, civic institutions and the values which underpin Australia’s democracy. It also provides an indication of student attitudes and their engagement in civic-related activities at school and in the community.


Submissions from 2024


Young Citizens’ Views and Engagement in a Changing Europe: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 European Report, Valeria Damiani, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, and Wolfram Schulz

Submissions from 2023


Education for Citizenship in Times of Global Challenge. IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 International Report, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, Damiani Valeria, and Tim Friedman


IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022: Assessment Framework, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, John Ainley, Valeria Damiani, and Tim Friedman

Submissions from 2022


IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022: Assessment framework [Early online version], Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Bruno Losito, Valeria Damiani, and Tim Friedman

Submissions from 2021


Reflections on the Development of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies, Wolfram Schulz

Submissions from 2020


National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship National Report 2019, Julian Fraillon, Tim Friedman, Louise Ockwell, Kate O'Malley, Judy Nixon, and Mark McAndrew


National Assessment Program Civics and Citizenship (NAP-CC) 2019: Technical report, Kate O'Malley, Renee Kwong, Julian Fraillon, Jorge Fallas, Martin Murphy, Judy Nixon, Eunjung Lee, Greg Macaskill, and Vernon Mogul

Submissions from 2019


Cross-national priorities for Civic and Citizenship Education, Tim Friedman, Gabriella Agrusti, Damiani Valeria, and Jennifer Hong


Young people’s expectations to participate in legal and illegal activities to express their opinions: Findings from ICCS 2016, Wolfram Schulz


Young people’s trust in institutions and their dispositions toward civic engagement since 2009, Wolfram Schulz


Civic knowledge and expected civic engagement among lower-secondary students, Wolfram Schulz and Julian Fraillon


Young People’s Use of Social Media and Internet for Civic Engagement in 21 Countries, Wolfram Schulz and Tim Friedman

Submissions from 2018


Indicators of civic engagement among lower secondary students, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, and Eveline Gebhardt


The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study: Extent and variation of lower-secondary students’ civic knowledge, and changes since 2009, Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, and Eveline Gebhardt


Lower-secondary Students’ Civic Engagement at School: Results from ICCS 2016, Wolfram Schulz


Students’ attitudes toward equality opportunities, trust in civic institutions and endorsement of religious influence, Wolfram Schulz and John Ainley


Young People’s Views of Government, Peaceful Coexistence, and Diversity in Five Latin American Countries: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 Latin American Report, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Cristián Cox, and Tim Friedman


Young people’s attitudes towards freedom of movement and immigration in Europe. Results from ICCS 2016, Wolfram Schulz and Sladana Krstic

Submissions from 2017


National Assessment Program: Civics and Citizenship Technical Report 2016, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


National Assessment Program: Sample Assessment: Civics and Citizenship Report: Years 6 and 10: 2016, Julian Fraillon, Eveline Gebhardt, Judy Nixon, Louise Ockwell, Tim Friedman, Michelle Robins, and Mark McAndrew


Young People’s Perception of Europe in a Time of Change: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 European Report, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, Valeria Damiani, and Wolfram Schulz


Becoming Citizens in a Changing World: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 International Report, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, and Tim Friedman

Submissions from 2016


Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) : Global Citizenship Domain Assessment Framework, Rachel Parker and Julian Fraillon


Reviewing Measurement Invariance of Questionnaire Constructs in Cross-National Research: Examples from ICCS 2016, Wolfram Schulz


IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 Assessment Framework, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, and Gabriella Agrusti


Attitudes toward Migration across European Countries: Results from ICCS 2009, Wolfram Schulz and Bruno Losito

Submissions from 2015


A question of perspective? Measuring views on equal rights and opportunities among minority groups in European large-scale surveys, Wolfram Schulz


Attitudes toward Authoritarian Government, Corruption and Obedience to the Law among Lower-secondary Students in Latin America: A comparative analysis, Wolfram Schulz and Greg Macaskill

Submissions from 2014


National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship Years 6 and 10 Report 2013, Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, Judy Nixon, and Eveline Gebhardt


National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship 2013 Year 6 and Year 10 : Technical Report, Kate O'Malley, Eveline Gebhardt, Renee Chow, Martin Murphy, Wolfram Schulz, Judy Nixon, and Julian Fraillon

Submissions from 2013


Attitudes towards political engagement among lower secondary students in East Asian countries: Results from ICCS 2009, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, and Julian Fraillon


ICCS 2009 Encyclopedia : Approaches to civic and citizenship education around the world, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, and Tim Friedman


Civic knowledge and engagement among students from immigrant and non-immigrant backgrounds, Tim Friedman, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, and John Ainley


Networking young citizens : Learning to be citizens in and with the social web, Suzanne Mellor and Terri Seddon


Student participation at school and future civic engagement: Results from ICCS 2009, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, and Julian Fraillon

Submissions from 2012


ICCS 2009 Asian report : civic knowledge, attitudes, and engagement among lower-secondary students in five Asian countries, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, and Wolfram Schulz


The role of civic participation in national and school curricula, John Ainley and Tim Friedman


Assessing the intended participation of young adolescents as future citizens: Comparing results from 26 European countries, John Ainley, Tim Friedman, David Kerr, and Wolfram Schulz


Civic participation at school and school-based community participation, Elisa Caponera, Bruno Losito, and Paola Mirti


Social origin and citizenship participation in Latin American schools, Juan Castillo


Measuring Civic Knowledge among Young Adolescents in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study, Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, and John Ainley


Evaluating the Contribution of Schools to the development of Young People as Future Citizens, Bruno Losito, Elisa Caponera, Cristiano Corsini, and Paola Mirti


Changes in Knowledge about and Perception of Civics and Citizenship over a Ten-Year Period: Comparing CIVED 1999 and ICCS 2009, Wolfram Schulz


Students' participation in and valuing of civic engagement at school, Wolfram Schulz and Julian Fraillon

Submissions from 2011


Expected participation in protest activities among lower secondary students in 38 countries, John Ainley and Wolfram Schulz


The roles of schools and communities in civic and citizenships education, Elisa Caponera and Bruno Losito


Design and implementation of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Study, Tim Friedman, Julian Fraillon, and Barbara Malak


National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship Education 2010 : year 6 and year 10 : technical report, Eveline Gebhardt, Julian Fraillon, Nicole Wernert, and Wolfram Schulz


Priorities for Civic and Citizenship Education in Europe, David Kerr, Linda Sturman, and Tim Friedman


ICCS 2009 Technical Report, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, and Julian Fraillon


ICCS 2009 Latin American Report : civic knowledge and attitudes among lower-secondary students in six Latin American countries, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Tim Friedman, and Petra Lietz


Multi-level analysis of factors explaining differences in civic knowledge, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, and Eva Van de gaer


National assessment program : civics and citizenship years 6 and 10 report 2010, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, Eveline Gebhardt, and Nicole Wernert


Latin American perspectives on civic and citizenship education, Wolfram Schulz and Eugenio Gonzalez

Submissions from 2010


ICCS 2009 European report : civic knowledge, attitudes, and engagement among lower secondary students in 24 European countries, David Kerr, LInda Sturman, Wolfram Schulz, and Bethan Burge


ICCS 2009 International Report: Civic knowledge, attitudes and engagement among lower secondary school students in thirty-eight countries., Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, David Kerr, and Bruno Losito


Initial Findings from the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, David Kerr, and Bruno Losito


Preparedness for active citizenship among lower secondary students in international comparison, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, and Eva Van de gaer


Explaining differences in civic knowledge across 38 countries, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, and Eva Van de gaer

Submissions from 2009


National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship Years 6 and 10 Report 2007, Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) and Suzanne Mellor


The Analysis of Measurement Equivalence in International Studies using the Rasch Model, Wolfram Schulz and Julian Fraillon


National Assessment Program : civics and citizenship : Year 6 and Year 10 : technical report : 2007, Nicole Wernert, Eveline Gebhardt, and Wolfram Schulz

Submissions from 2008


Collecting School and Teacher Data in International Civic and Citizenship Study, Gabriella Agrusti and Bruno Losito


Constructing a described achievement scale for the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study, Julian Fraillon


Concept and design of the International Civic and Citizenship Study., Julian Fraillon and Wolfram Schulz


Studying Civic and Citizenship Education in the European Context, David Kerr and Joana Lopes

The National Assessment Program – Civics and Citizenship: Reflections on Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools, Suzanne Mellor


Assessing Citizenship Skills in Latin America. The Development of a Regional Module as part of the International Civic and Citizenship Study, Fernando M. Reimers


Questionnaire Construct Validation in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study, Wolfram Schulz


Assessing Student Knowledge, Background and Perceptions in the International Civic and Citizenship Study, Wolfram Schulz and Falk Brese


An International Perspective on Civic And Citizenship Education: Exploring the Learning Context for Lower Secondary Students, Wolfram Schulz and Julian Fraillon


International Civic and Citizenship Education Study : Assessment Framework, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Bruno Losito, and David Kerr

Submissions from 2007


An international perspective on active citizenship among lower secondary students, Wolfram Schulz


Civic and Citizenship Education in 2009 (ICCS): A Comparative Study, Wolfram Schulz and John Ainley

Submissions from 2006


National Assessment Program : Civics and Citizenship year 6 and year 10. Technical report 2004, Nicole Wernert, Eveline Gebhardt, Martin Murphy, and Wolfram Schulz

Submissions from 2005


Political Efficacy and Expected Participation among Lower and Upper Secondary Students. A comparative analysis with data from the IEA Civic Education Study, Wolfram Schulz

Submissions from 2004


IEA Civic Education Study. Technical Report, Wolfram Schulz and Heiko Sibberns

Submissions from 2002


Civic knowledge and engagement: An IEA study of upper secondary students in sixteen countries, Jo-ann Amadeo, Judith Torney-Purta, Rainer Lehmann, Vera Husfeldt, and Roumiana Nikolova


Citizenship and democracy : Australian students' knowledge and beliefs : the IEA Civic Education Study of fourteen year olds, Suzanne Mellor, Kerry Kennedy, and Lisa Greenwood


Explaining Differences in Civic Knowledge: Multilevel Regression Analyses of Student Data from 27 Countries, Wolfram Schulz

Submissions from 2001


Citizenship and Education in Twenty-eight Countries: Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen, Judith Torney-Purta, Rainer Lehmann, Hans Oswald, and Wolfram Schulz