Civics and Citizenship Assessment
Publication Date
Citizenship education, Civics
This paper explores how civic and citizenship education in the European context is being addressed through the new IEA International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS). It sets out the rationale for the inclusion of a European regional perspective as a new and innovative part of the study. It focuses in particular on the rationales for the purpose and content of the European Module. It describes the process of construction of the European Module instruments and outlines how the outcomes will be reported.
Recommended Citation
Kerr, D., & Lopes, J. (2008). Studying Civic and Citizenship Education in the European Context. https://research.acer.edu.au/civics/71
English, English
Included in
Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons
Papers about ICCS presented at the Annual Meeting of AERA in New York (24 - 28 March 2008)