Civics and Citizenship Assessment
Publication Date
The 2009 IEA study of civic and citizenship education (ICCS), conducted in 38 countries around the world, built on the previous IEA studies of civic education, but took place in a context characterized by significant societal change, including the rapid development of new communication technologies, increased movement of people between countries, and the growth of supranational organizations. The data gathered from more than 140,000 students and 62,000 teachers in over 5,300 schools during the course of the study offers information that countries and education systems worldwide can use to inform and improve policy and practice in civic and citizenship education. This report of the initial findings is the first in a series of publications presenting the study outcomes. The next report will draw on a wider range of data than that presented in this present publication, and it will provide more extensive analyses of student knowledge and attitudes in relation to characteristics of teachers, schools, and communities. It will be followed by three regional reports for Asia, Europe, and Latin America. These will focus on issues related to civic and citizenship education that are of special interest in those parts of the world. IEA will also publish an encyclopedia on approaches to civic and citizenship education in all participating countries, and a technical report documenting procedures and providing evidence of the high quality of the data that were collected. IEA will also make available an international database that the broader research community can use for secondary analysis.
Recommended Citation
Schulz, W., Ainley, J., Fraillon, J., Kerr, D., & Losito, B. (2010). Initial Findings from the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study. https://research.acer.edu.au/civics/5
ISBN/EAN: 978-90-79549-06-1