The Australian Council for Educational Research is a global educational research organisation working across many countries. Our research program has several areas of focus including assessment and learning progress and global development in conjunction with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) as part of the Education Analytics Service (EAS), and the Global Education Monitoring Centre (GEM).
Submissions from 2006
PISA 2006 Australia student, achievement and school data [SAS] [Data set], Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli
PISA 2006 Australia student, achievement and school data [SPSS] [Data set], Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli
Submissions from 2005
Submissions from 2004
IEA Civic Education Study. Technical Report, Wolfram Schulz and Heiko Sibberns
Submissions from 2003
PISA 2003 Australia student, achievement and school data [SAS] [Data set], Sue Thomson, Lisa De Bortoli, and John Cresswell
PISA 2003 Australia student, achievement and school data [SPSS] [Data set], Sue Thomson, Lisa De Bortoli, and John Cresswell
Submissions from 2002
Civic knowledge and engagement: An IEA study of upper secondary students in sixteen countries, Jo-ann Amadeo, Judith Torney-Purta, Rainer Lehmann, Vera Husfeldt, and Roumiana Nikolova
Explaining Differences in Civic Knowledge: Multilevel Regression Analyses of Student Data from 27 Countries, Wolfram Schulz
Submissions from 2001
A Policy Makers Guide to Systemwide Assessment Programs, Margaret Forster
Citizenship and Education in Twenty-eight Countries: Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen, Judith Torney-Purta, Rainer Lehmann, Hans Oswald, and Wolfram Schulz
Submissions from 2000
A Policy Makers Guide to International Achievement Studies, Margaret Forster
PISA 2000 Australia student, achievement and school data [SAS] [Data set], Jan Lokan, Lisa Greenwood, and John Cresswell
PISA 2000 Australia student, achievement and school data [SPSS] [Data set], Jan Lokan, Lisa Greenwood, and John Cresswell
Submissions from 1945
Travelling scholarships available to Australians for study overseas, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Submissions from 1934
The Ascanius carries us to Durban, South Africa 1934, Kenneth S. Cunningham