The Australian Council for Educational Research is a global educational research organisation working across many countries. Our research program has several areas of focus including assessment and learning progress and global development in conjunction with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) as part of the Education Analytics Service (EAS), and the Global Education Monitoring Centre (GEM).
Submissions from 2025
Education for Citizenship in Times of Global Challenge: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 International Report, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, Valeria Damiani, and Tim Friedman
Submissions from 2024
ACER 2022-2023 Annual Report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
ACER 2023-2024 Annual Report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
ACER-APCEIU Global Citizenship Education Monitoring Toolkit: For teachers, schools, and system leaders, Rachel Parker, Amy Berry, Payal Goundar, and Karena Menzie-Ballantyne
Alumni Voices: Insights from international graduates of UK education, Sladana Krstic and Alexander Towne
Baseline study for a refugee children’s programme in Sudan, ACER India
Being and becoming global citizens: Measuring progress toward SDG 4.7. Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region. Phase II Report, Lao PDR, Rachel Parker, Payal Goundar, and Karena Menzie-Ballantyne
Civil Society Contributions to Improving Learning Outcomes: An Education Out Loud Global Learning Partner Report, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, Desmond Bermingham, Jolanda Buter, Miriam Linder, and Sam Boering
Codebook for Classroom Observation Training Package, Hilary Hollingsworth, Debbie Wong, and Elizabeth Cassity
Collaboration in East Africa: A contextualised approach to defining the construct, Claire Scoular and David Alelah Otieno
Developing a learning outcome map, Abha Bhagat
Developmental leadership for women in the Pacific: WLI alumni reflections and insights, Michelle Hsien, Jo Doyle, and Sarah Buckley
Discover ACER India, ACER India
Education Out Loud Case Study: IID, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, and Miriam Linder
Education Out Loud case study: School for Life, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, and Jolanda Butler
Education Out Loud Case Study: The GEAR Alliance, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, and Sam Boering
GEM Centre: Completion Report for Phase 3 Funding, 2020–2023, Australian Council for Educational Research
Gender barriers to basic digital skills for employment in the ASEAN region: A review of promising practices, Louise Wignall, Anita Roberts, Justin Brown, and Syeda Kashfee Ahmed
Global Synthesis Report: Long-term outcomes of Australian development scholarship alumni, Amanda Haddow, Daniel Edwards, Sarah Buckley, Jo Doyle, Leyna Clarke, and Michelle Hsien
Global Synthesis Report. Methodology, Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
Global Tracer Facility Longitudinal Global Tracer Survey 2023 (Year 8) - Survey Instrument, Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
Improving teaching quality in the Pacific, Elizabeth Cassity and Hilary Hollingsworth
Lesson 1: Language and Communication lesson video transcript, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Lesson 2: Grade 2 Language and Communication lesson video transcript, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Lesson Observation Record Classroom Observation Training Package, Hilary Hollingsworth, Debbie Wong, and Elizabeth Cassity
Monitoring learning in the early years. A review of early childhood assessments to support global monitoring, Dan Cloney, David Jeffries, Stephanie Templeton, Ursula Schwantner, Juliette F. Mendelovits, Amy Berry, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Nicola Andrews, and Bethany Davies
Pairwise Comparison Method Toolkit. A toolkit for countries to measure global learning outcomes., United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
PISA 2022. Assessing creative thinking for a better future, Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2022 Australia School Questionnaire data [SAS] [Data set], Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2022 Australia School Questionnaire data [SPSS] [Data set], Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2022 Australia Student and Achievement data [SAS] [Data set], Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2022 Australia Student and Achievement data [SPSS] [Data set], Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2022. Reporting Australia’s results. Volume II: Student and school characteristics, Lisa De Bortoli, Catherine Underwood, Tim Friedman, and Eveline Gebhardt
PISA 2022: Reporting Australia’s Results. Volume II Student and School Characteristics: Data tables [Excel] [Data set], Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2022. Reporting Australia’s results. Volume I: Student performance: Data tables [Excel] [Data set], Lisa De Bortoli and Catherine Underwood
PISA Capacity Needs Assessment: Ecuador, Ian Teo
PISA Capacity Needs Assessment: Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Ian Teo
Strengthening foundational learning in the ASEAN region: A review of promising practices, Yung Nietschke, Adeola Monty, Anna Dabrowski, Payal Goundar, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Debbie Wong, and Jeaniene Spink
Student assessment in Madhya Pradesh, ACER India
Supporting out-of-school girls and children and youth from marginalised groups in the ASEAN region: A review of promising practices, Anna Dabrowski, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Payal Goundar, Debbie Wong, and Jeaniene Spink
Sustainable Development Goal 4.b in the Pacific – A pilot study for monitoring tertiary education scholarships for development, Amanda Haddow, Daniel Edwards, and Lorissa Hazelman
Teacher Development Multi-Year Study Series. Classroom observation training package: using classroom observation to investigate and understand teaching quality, Debbie Wong, Hilary Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Cassity, and Adeola Monty
Teachers and technology in the Pacific, Anna Dabrowski, Yung Nietschke, and Elizabeth Cassity
The Scottish Government International Development Fund: Designing a new International Development inclusive education programme, Alexander Towne and Desmond Bermingham
TIMSS 2023 Australia: Highlights on Australian student performance, Nicole Wernert, Marina Schmid, and Sima Rodrigues
TIMSS 2023 Australia. Volume 1: Student performance, Nicole Wernert, Marina Schmid, and Sima Rodrigues
Young Citizens’ Views and Engagement in a Changing Europe: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 European Report, Valeria Damiani, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, and Wolfram Schulz
Submissions from 2023
ACER 2021-2022 Annual Report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Analysis and mapping of in-service teacher training programmes to Jordan’s National Teaching Standards, ACER India
Analysis of early childhood education and learning outcomes in the Pacific, Dan Cloney, Yung Nietschke, and Jeffery Marshall
A policy monitoring framework to prepare for, respond to, and recover from education in emergencies, Pina Tarricone, Kemran Mestan, and Ian Teo
Assessing the Catch Up, Scale Up programme in Zambia, ACER India
Australia Awards Alumni Global Tracer Survey 2022, Michelle Hsien and Daniel Edwards
Bangkit Lebih Kuat, Amy Berry, Anisah Hafiszha Zulfa, Beth Sprunt, Dan Cloney, George Adam Sukoco, Irsyad Zamjani, Jeaniene Spink, Lanny Octavia, Mark Heyward, Mary Fearnley-Sander, Rasita Ekawati Purba, Robert Randall, and Senza Arsendy
Being and becoming global citizens: Measuring progress toward SDG 4.7. Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region, Rachel Parker, Jennie Chainey, Payal Goundar, Sarah Richardson, Anna Dabrowski, Amy Berry, and Claire Scoular
Building a world-class learning system: Insights from some top-performing school systems, Geoff N. Masters
Citizenship education in times of global challenge, Wolfram Schulz, John Ainley, and Tim Friedman
COVID-19 Education Response Mapping Study: Building Resilience in Lao PDR: Readiness, Response, and Recovery, Yung Nietschke, Anna Dabrowski, Maya Conway, and Chaula Yoga Pradhika
COVID-19 Education Response Mapping Study: Building Resilience in the Kyrgyz Republic: Readiness, Response, and Recovery, Yung Nietschke, Anna Dabrowski, Maya Conway, and Chaula Yoga Pradhika
COVID-19 Education Response Mapping Study: Building Resilience in the Philippines: Readiness, Response, and Recovery, Anna Dabrowski, Maya Conway, Yung Nietschke, Amy Berry, and Chaula Yoga Pradhika
COVID-19 Education Response Mapping Study in Asia: Executive Summary, Yung Nietschke, Anna Dabrowski, Maya Conway, and Chaula Yoga Pradhika
Developmental leadership for women in the Pacific: Cultivating networks for change in Australia Award WLI alumni, Sarah Buckley, Leyna Clarke, and Jo Doyle
Development of National Education Assessment Framework (NEAF) for Bhutan, ACER India
Equity and equality in learning in Asia-Pacific: What do results from large-scale assessments tell us? Gender in focus policy brief, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski, Jacqueline Cheng, Victoria Klimova, and Isabella McCallum
Evaluation of Australia's Investment in Teacher Development in Lao PDR: Summary of the 2019 Baseline Report, Yung Nietschke, Anna Dabrowski PhD, Aris Huang, and Jeaniene Spink
Evaluation of Australia's Investment in Teacher Development in Lao PDR: Summary of the 2019 Baseline Report (Lao version), Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Examining evidence for success in the Zambian Girls 2030 programme, ACER India
Explaining students’ attitudes towards a sustainable future: Evidence from SEA-PLM 2019 data, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed and Petra Lietz
Exploring system and school resilience in Asia, Anna Dabrowski and Yung Nietschke
GTF Global Tracer Survey 2022 (Year 7) - Survey Instrument Items, Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility
IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022: Assessment Framework, Wolfram Schulz, Julian Fraillon, Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, John Ainley, Valeria Damiani, and Tim Friedman
International Comparison of Tertiary Education Systems, Ian Teo, Michelle Hsien, Sarah Buckley, and Anita Roberts
Introducing competency-based assessment through online workshops, ACER India
Mid-term evaluation report (final): Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Centre Phase 3, Valerie Haugen
Outcomes of Australia Awards Fellowships: Sport for Development in Fiji, Jo Doyle and Amanda Haddow
PIRLS 2021 Australian Year 4 data readme [text], Kylie Hillman, Elizabeth O'Grady, Sima Rodrigues, Marina Schmid, and Sue Thomson
PIRLS 2021 Australian Year 4 data [SAS], Kylie Hillman, Elizabeth O'Grady, Sima Rodrigues, Marina Schmid, and Sue Thomson
PIRLS 2021 Australian Year 4 data [SPSS], Kylie Hillman, Elizabeth O'Grady, Sima Rodrigues, Marina Schmid, and Sue Thomson
PIRLS 2021 Australian Year 4 data tables [excel], Kylie Hillman, Elizabeth O'Grady, Sima Rodrigues, Marina Schmid, and Sue Thomson
PISA 2022. Reporting Australia’s results. Volume I: Student performance and equity in education, Lisa De Bortoli, Catherine Underwood, and Sue Thomson
PISA in Brief 2022: Student performance and equity in education, Lisa De Bortoli, Catherine Underwood, and Sue Thomson
Policy brief: Investigating school-based programs that support student mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in low- and middle-income countries, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski, and Katherine Dix
Policy brief: Monitoring and evaluating global citizenship education in the Asia-Pacific region, Payal Goundar and Rachel Parker
Policy brief: Teacher professional development for students with disability in the Asia-Pacific, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed and Anannya Chakraborty
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study: Australia’s results from PIRLS 2021, Kylie Hillman, Elizabeth O'Grady, Sima Rodrigues, Marina Schmid, and Sue Thomson
Project Management Unit (PMU) to Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE), ACER India
Reforming learning assessments in Chhattisgarh, ACER India
Report Highlights: Evaluation of Australia's investment in teacher development in Lao PDR: Final Report, Debbie Wong, Hilary Hollingsworth, Prue Anderson, Payal Goundar, and Agnes Mercer
Report Highlights: Evaluation of Australia's investment in teacher development in Lao PDR: Final Report (Lao version), Debbie Wong, Hilary Hollingsworth, Prue Anderson, Payal Goundar, and Agnes Mercer
Report Highlights: Evaluation of Australia’s investment in teacher development in Lao PDR: Interim report 1 (Lao version), Hilary Hollingsworth, Debbie Wong, Elizabeth Cassity, Prue Anderson, and Jessica Thompson
Report of Bhutan’s National Education Assessment 2021 published, Mee Young Han
School-based interventions that support mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in low- and middle-income countries, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski, Katherine Dix, and Toby Carslake
Spotlight on student engagement. Evaluation of Australia’s investment in teacher development in Lao PDR, Australian Council for Educational Research
Spotlight on student engagement. Evaluation of Australia’s investment in teacher development in Lao PDR (Lao version), Australian Council for Educational Research
Spotlight on teacher supports. Evaluation of Australia’s investment in teacher development in Lao PDR, Australian Council for Educational Research
Spotlight on teacher supports. Evaluation of Australia’s investment in teacher development in Lao PDR (Lao version), Australian Council for Educational Research
Strengthening systemic capacity on learning assessment and use of data for improving learning, ACER India
Summary report. Being and becoming global citizens: Measuring progress toward SDG 4.7. Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region, Rachel Parker, Jennie Chainey, Payal Goundar, Sarah Richardson, Anna Dabrowski, Amy Berry, and Claire Scoular
Support for the National Student Assessment in Bangladesh, ACER India
Supporting schools’ and teachers’ use of assessment to inform learning of all students, Ursula Schwantner and Soumaya Maghnouj