Little J and Big Cuz
Publication Date
Aboriginal students, Torres Strait Islander students, School readiness, Literature reviews, Preschool primary transition, Television, Educational television, Case studies
This literature review identifies, evaluates and synthesises academic, grey and other literature about transition to school programs for Australia’s Indigenous children. It draws on both international and Australian research. Its purpose is to provide an overview of current research about factors that support effective transitions to school by Indigenous children, and to consider the role that educational television can play in those transitions. This literature review was also prepared to inform the development of the case studies about how the first season of the television program, Little J & Big Cuz had been used in various remote, regional and urban early childhood education settings. It builds on other literature reviews concerning Indigenous children’s transitions to school prepared in the past decade.
Recommended Citation
Moyle, K. (2019). Indigenous Early Childhood Education, school readiness and transition programs into primary school: literature review. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). https://research.acer.edu.au/littlejbigcuz/1
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2019
Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
This review was undertaken with the support of the Dusseldorp Forum.