Little J and Big Cuz
Publication Date
Educational television, Case studies, Kindergarten children, School readiness, Aboriginal students, Torres Strait Islander students, Preschool curriculum, Preschool primary transition
This case study explores how the television program ‘Little J and Big Cuz’ was incorporated into the education program at Morphett Vale East Kindergarten. Morphett Vale East Kindergarten in South Australia is a government-funded kindergarten for children aged between three and five years. Little J & Big Cuz was incorporated into the education program as the screen time activity, which was then followed with discussions about each story the children had seen. The choice of episodes was linked to the learning priorities of the Kindergarten. The viewing responses of the children are discussed as well as how Little J & Big Cuz teaching resources provided educators with leads for ways to provide activities to support the viewing of each episode.
Recommended Citation
Moyle, K. (2019). Connecting Little J and Big Cuz with a kindergarten education program: Case study 1: Morphett Vale East Kindergarten. Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2019
Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Geographic Subject
South Australia
This study was conducted with support from the Dusseldorp Forum.