School and system improvement
Publication Date
Educational practices, Literacy, Literacy education, Phonics, Reading teaching, Student assessment, Teacher education, Teacher effectiveness, Teaching effectiveness, Teaching methods, Whole language approach
The objectives of the Inquiry were to review and analyse recent national and international research about literacy teaching approaches; identify the extent to which prospective teachers are provided with reading teaching approaches and skills that are effective in the classroom and have the opportunities to develop and practise the skills required to implement effective classroom reading programs; identify the ways in which research evidence on literacy teaching and policies in Australian schools can best inform classroom teaching practice and support teacher professional learning; examine the effectiveness of assessment methods being used to monitor the progress of students' early reading learning; and produce a report of the Inquiry's findings in the second half of 2005 and offer best practice in effective approaches to literacy teaching and learning, both at classroom level and in the training of teachers.
Recommended Citation
Rowe, K., & National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (Australia). (2005). Teaching Reading: Report and Recommendations. Department of Education, Science and Training. https://research.acer.edu.au/tll_misc/5
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2005
Place of Publication
Canberra, Australia
Department of Education, Science and Training
Executive Summary
literature_review.pdf (1078 kB)
Literature Review
report_recommendations.pdf (1315 kB)
Report and Recommendations
guide_recommendations.pdf (900 kB)
Guide to the Report and Recommendations for Parents and Carers

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