School and system improvement
ACER is active in research and evaluation related to school and system leadership, with a focus on the School Improvement Tool. This series includes papers related to school and system improvement from ACER researchers as well as presenters at the annual Research Conference.
Submissions from 2024
Music Education: Right from the Start. Primary Teachers Survey - South Australia, Rachel Felgate, Toby Carslake, and Tanya Vaughan
Submissions from 2023
School Improvement Tool, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Building a world-class learning system: Insights from some top-performing school systems, Geoff N. Masters
Reform challenges in school education, Geoff N. Masters
School Improvement Tool: A summary of the underpinning research, Christina Rogers, Fabienne van der Kleij, and Pauline Taylor-Guy
School Improvement Tool: Literature review, Fabienne van der Kleij, Pauline Taylor-Guy, and Christina Rogers
School Improvement Tool Elaborations: Student engagement and wellbeing. Background report and literature review, Fabienne van der Kleij, Pauline Taylor-Guy, Tanya Vaughan, Marijne Medhurst, and Christina Rogers
Submissions from 2022
School Improvement Tool Elaborations: Student engagement and wellbeing, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and Queensland Department of Education
Effects of remote learning on mental health and socialisation. Literature Review, Anna Dabrowski and Pru Mitchell
Building a world-class learning system, Geoff N. Masters
Remote learning for students with a disability: Game changer or moment in time? Literature Review, Marijne Medhurst, Maya Conway, and Kathryn Richardson
Schools as Community Hubs. Literature Review, Ian Teo, Pru Mitchell, Fabienne van der Kleij, and Anna Dabrowski
Submissions from 2020
School libraries in South Australia 2019 Census, Katherine Dix, Rachel Felgate, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Toby Carslake, and Shani Sniedze
Analysis of 21st century skills integration as applied in the Philippines K to 12 program. Final report, Claire Scoular
Events from 2019
Wii-Ma-Li (light the fire): The impact of the Connected Communities Strategy on Hillvue Public School, Chris Shaw
Submissions from 2018
Using the Principal Performance Improvement Tool, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Principal Performance Improvement Tool, Geoff N. Masters AO
Measuring parent engagement, Sheldon Rothman, Clare Ozolins, and Jo Doyle
Events from 2017
ACER Research Conference Proceedings (2017), Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Courageous and coherent leadership required for excellent and equitable outcomes, Linda Bendikson
Capabilities required for leading improvement: Challenges for researchers and developers, Viviane Robinson
Developing evaluative thinking and evidence-based practice: A synthetic case study, Tim Wyatt
Events from 2016
Must try harder : An evaluation of the UK government’s policy directions in STEM education, Pauline Hoyle
National School Improvement Tool, Geoff N. Masters
Schools as learning organisations, Geoff N. Masters
What the Staff in Australia’s Schools surveys tell us about teachers working in school libraries, Paul R. Weldon
School Staff Workload Study: Final Report to the Australian Education Union – Victorian Branch, Paul R. Weldon and Lawrence Ingvarson
Victorian Teacher Supply and Demand Report 2012 and 2013, Paul R. Weldon, Chandra Shah, and Glenn Rowley
Events from 2015
Reflecting on teacher research on assessment: Challenges and innovations for the future, Marie Brennan
An Effective School Improvement Framework: Using the National School Improvement Tool, Deborah Seifert and Elizabeth Hartnell-Young
Submissions from 2014
Implementing a generic school improvement framework: Experience of the National School Improvement Tool in Australian settings, Elizabeth Hartnell-Young, Robert Marshall, and Robert Hassell
Staff in Australia’s schools 2013: Main report on the survey, Phillip McKenzie, Paul R. Weldon, Glenn Rowley, Martin Murphy, and Julie McMillan
Profiles of teachers in selected curriculum areas: Further analyses of the staff in Australia’s schools 2013 survey, Paul R. Weldon, Julie McMillan, Glenn Rowley, and Phillip McKenzie
Submissions from 2013
Queensland teaching and learning audits 2010–2012, Gabrielle Matters and Yvana Jones
Literacy and numeracy interventions in the early years of schooling : a literature review : report to the Ministerial Advisory Group on Literacy and Numeracy, Marion Meiers, Kate Reid, Phillip McKenzie, and Suzanne Mellor
Networking young citizens : Learning to be citizens in and with the social web, Suzanne Mellor and Terri Seddon
Events from 2012
Continual improvement through aligned effort, Geoff N. Masters
Review of Townsville Diocese School Renewal Processes, Tony McGruther and Geoff N. Masters
Submissions from 2011
The hard work of improvement, Geoff N. Masters
Staff in Australia's schools 2010 : main report on the survey, Phillip McKenzie, Glenn Rowley, Paul R. Weldon, and Martin Murphy
Profiles of teachers in selected curriculum areas : further analyses of the Staff in Australia’s Schools 2010 Survey, Paul R. Weldon, Glenn Rowley, and Phillip McKenzie
Submissions from 2010
Teaching and learning school improvement framework, Geoff N. Masters
Submissions from 2009
Teaching and learning in middle schooling: a review of the literature, Stephen Dinham and Ken Rowe
Studies of Asia in Year 12, Jenny Wilkinson, Gina Milgate, and Asia Education Foundation
Submissions from 2008
Diversity in Australian Education, Stephen Dinham
Fantasy, Fashion and Fact : Middle Schools, Middle Schooling and Student Achievement, Stephen Dinham and Ken Rowe
What Do Primary School Teachers Know, Think And Do About ADHD?, Julie Kos
What Do Teachers Know, Think and Intend To Do About ADHD?, Julie Kos
Staff in Australia’s Schools 2007, Phillip McKenzie, Julie Kos, Maurice Walker, Jennifer Hong, and Susanne Owen
Staff in Australia's schools : teacher workforce data and planning processes in Australia, Susanne Owen, Julie Kos, and Phillip McKenzie
Submissions from 2007
Improving consistency in teacher judgements : an investigation for the Department of Education, Victoria, Marion Meiers, Clare Ozolins, and Phillip McKenzie
Submissions from 2005
A Review of the Empirical Evidence Identifying Effective Interventions and Teaching Practices for Students with Learning Difficulties in Year 4, 5 and 6, Nola Purdie and Louise Ellis
Teaching reading: literature review: a review of the evidence-based research literature on approaches to the teaching of literacy, particularly those that are effective in assisting students with reading difficulties, Ken Rowe and National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (Australia)
Teaching Reading: Report and Recommendations, Ken Rowe and National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (Australia)
Numeracy in the Early Years: Project Good Start, Sue Thomson, Ken Rowe, Catherine Underwood, and Ray Peck
Submissions from 2004
Investigation of effective mathematics teaching and learning in Australian secondary schools, Lawrence Ingvarson, Adrian Beavis, Alan Bishop, Ray Peck, and Gerald Elsworth
Submissions from 2003
Australia's teachers: Australia's future: advancing innovation, science, technology and mathematics : background data and analysis, Committee for the Review of Teaching and Teacher Education (Australia)
Impact of school libraries on student achievement: a review of the research, Michele Lonsdale