Publication Date
Student surveys, Children, Primary school students, Secondary school students, Well being, Sampling, Field tests, Measures (Individuals), Participation, Year 4, Year 6, Year 8, Middle years
The purpose of this report is to provide information on the implementation of the main survey of the Australian Child Wellbeing Project (ACWP). This phase of the project has followed extensive qualitative work with young people and field testing of the survey instrument, as detailed in the Phase 1, 2 and 3 reports. This report covers sampling, participation rates, sampling weights, permission processes and approvals, general survey promotion and specific contact with main survey schools, logistical details, and a full documentation survey at each of the three year levels, namely Years 4, 6 and 8.
Recommended Citation
Lietz, P., O’Grady, E., Tobin, M., Young-Thornton, J. and Redmond, G. (2015). The Australian Child Wellbeing Project: Phase Four Report. Bedford Park SA: Flinders University; Sydney NSW: University of New South Wales; Melbourne Vic: Australian Council for Educational Research.
Place of Publication
Bedford Park SA; Sydney NSW; Melbourne Vic
Flinders University; University of New South Wales; Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
The Australian Child Wellbeing Project is being conducted by a team of researchers at Flinders University of South Australia, the University of New South Wales, and the Australian Council for Educational Research. It is funded by the Australian Research Council through a Linkage Grant, and supported by Partner Organisations including the Departments of Education, and Social Services, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.