"Australian Child Wellbeing Project Technical Report" by Petra Lietz, Elizabeth O'Grady et al.


Publication Date



Surveys, Student surveys, Children, Middle years, Well being, Data collection, Databases, Research methodology, Sampling, Research design, Measures (Individuals), Research administration, Factor analysis, Reliability, Item response theory, Primary school students, Secondary school students


The Australian Child Wellbeing Project was conducted by a team of researchers at Flinders University of South Australia, the University of New South Wales, and the Australian Council for Educational Research. It was funded by the Australian Research Council through a Linkage Grant, and supported by Partner Organisations including the Departments of Education (DOE), and Social Services, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).


The Australian Child Wellbeing Project (ACWP) was conducted from 2012 – 2015 using a mixed-methods, child-centred approach. Young people’s perspectives were used to inform a nationally representative survey of children’s wellbeing in the middle years. The aims of the ACWP survey were to benchmark child wellbeing in Australia and to provide useful information for services that promote young people’s healthy development. A final outcome of this project was to make the extensive ACWP database publically available in order to provide further opportunity to exploit the rich data and improve understanding. Accordingly, this technical report consolidates the research conducted by ACER during the three-year study. It provides supporting information about technical aspects of the main survey and its resulting reports, and for facilitating secondary data analyses of the ACWP database. Specifically, it details issues related to survey design, implementation and data analysis. Results from the ACWP main survey are not reported in the technical report, but are presented in the final report. This technical report and data user guide contains an overview of the design, sampling, and data collection activities of the ACWP main study conducted in 2014. In addition, it reports the technical aspects of the first and second stage statistical and thematic analyses presented in the ACWP Final Report, along with guidelines about using the ACWP database.

Place of Publication

Melbourne Vic


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

