"The ACWP Questionnaire : Results of the Field Trial : The Australian C" by Petra Lietz, Elizabeth O'Grady et al.


Publication Date



Well being, Middle years, Children, Adolescents, Primary school students, Secondary school students, Child development, Disadvantaged, Questionnaire, Field tests, Student surveys, National surveys, Data collection, Research methodology


The Australian Child Wellbeing Project is being conducted by a team of researchers at Flinders University of South Australia, the University of New South Wales, and the Australian Council for Educational Research. It is funded by the Australian Research Council through a Linkage Grant, and supported by partner organisations including the Departments of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, and Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.


This is the Phase Three report of the Australian Child Wellbeing Project (ACWP) which is a child-centred study that started with young people’s perspectives to design a major nationally representative survey of wellbeing among 8-14 year olds. The Phase three report describes and presents analysis on the field trial of the ACWP survey which occurred in ten schools in New South Wales and Victoria in March 2014. The chapters in this report cover: sample characteristics and missing data analysis, descriptive and frequency analysis, factor and reliability analysis, examination of specific questions or items and question order, measuring affluence deprivation, inserting a new question on caring, international comparisons, and online administration.

Place of Publication

Bedford Park SA; Sydney NSW; Melbourne Vic


Flinders University; University of New South Wales; Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

